That tree gets a smack every time I walk by.

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***in weeb
t h a n k y o u
Sparkling water
Now I can give a *** at work
Ron Swanson is a little devious.
The one time I paid attention in class...
Only flossing I do is in fortnite
Antivax moms cant science
His watchdog skills are at another level.
Not Alowdin
Made my commute a little better.
Mistakes were made
Last night was crazy
Confused Travolta Oil Panting
I found an alive easter island head on Google maps
Got a couple grams for sale. Hit my DMs for pricing. Will ship.
Show about/for crazy ex-girlfriend
*rolls up sleeves*
Well thought out, sir
no but actually yes
After several posts...
John Cena has a children’s book
Detroit bottom
Not even light can escape
After trying to find good material...
Loophole to the loophole:have the executioner lace himself with poison
he probably is smarter than her though
I’m a cell-out
Let's contemplate murder
Magic Pie Bush
Perfect meditation doesn’t exis.....
Murican repellent
And robin is just a gai boi
How amazing was your childhood?
Drunk souls
Put you in the mansion, somewhere in Wiscansin
Peppa Pig *snort*
Co-worker threw a ball of paper at me. He didn't realize that it was his Valentine's Day receipt. Looks like he had a good time!
I don't think they thought this through...
Getting a drivers license
Lazy but smart babysiyter
I just can't either.
How you doin? :P
Slowly giving up
At least he's cute
... And you thought you had problems?
Funny not funny
This is way too good to be true
My favorite bed
Intresting !
Rags to riches
Yeah, that's a perfectly motivated answer
One hefty chonker
Such attention to detail!
Sup Cindy?
Pakalu Papito is legend
So I just found out that this picture exists: Slipknot and Tenacious D. Also check out the dude on the far left behind the door
Epic gamer time
It can’t be helped
What a nice welcome home surprise
all week the same
My sister asked me why I needed a green screen. I told her my girlfriend and I had a very important project to work on.
Bob soon found out who stole his bubblegum
Bobby Ross
Nothing really works in my lab
This mans cougar problems are far from over
Moon and back
Not ready for the exams season.
I would never dare!
Bamboolzed again
Does it hurt?
Its John Wick's Dog...... Credit: Sephko
Putting a river was a mistake, please, just cross it, it's not even supposed to be a problem
Finally, a meaningful petition!
Cats these days
It's clearly master splinter anyways
No damn video game
the man
I’ll take two please.
Hey guys, is Hugelol discord still a thing?
Oh dear poor Wilson
I have been drinking my coffee all wrong
Got me dead
This might show your age
Darwin and specialization
Haha :')
What a shame.
those handle cups be weird
Started training for a new job. I think I’m in danger.
Still A Classic!