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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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People's expectations for the new iphone
How often.... ?
I wish I was this clever
Hover Hand LvL: Expert
That'll do it
Does Canada know?
That'll work!
The frames in the back, lol
But mom I don't wanna go to sleep
Love me
I never would have guess
I want this because of reasons...
Well, f*ck you too Luigi
Bless You!
That must be why he looks so happy
The smoothest man alive
Dat ass
The coolest calendar you'll ever see
The Irony in this one is so strong.
Another act of Canadian Vandalism
I think I would try to forget too.
This is only mine!
Really, I'm going to sleep and forget about it
He kicks your ass in Call of Duty
He?s finally revealed himself!
The car strike back
Most relaxing gif known to mankind.
Oh canada ;)
Greatest Pokemon Trainer!
Ballistic Glass Windows
Just Will Ferris.
Damn you LEGO, where was this 30 years ago?
Poor grum
I want this as my new super power.
It's so hard being a single mom
Day 69...
Tits or gtfo
We never forget.
It would work on me, welcome in the new age :)
The truth has been spoken
Trust me, I know what I'm doing
I keep telling myself the same
Trust fall with strangers...
Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe
An idea can change everything.. for a while
...too much?
Eating Ramen like a Boss.
Theres something about larry
This is how I want to die
The best neighborhood
It's a unique name
Picking flowers like a boss!
When parents come home and you should've cleaned the room..
He embarrasses all of us, hypocrite
I see what you did there...
If you can't remember this, you have a serious internet problem :D
Enough is enough!
Just like my nightmare
It takes huge balls...
Apply cold water to the burned area
Biggest mistake of your life potter
Said no girl ever
I almost died laughing.
Kids these days...
Just A little bit of heath.
Earth day marathon... ironic
Classic troll
I didn't make this
Kill them with fire.
You chose the 'breast' pokemon!
Time after time ;)
He's grey, obviously
This should work
Just walking my dinosaur.
This might be true
This cat is smarter than me
I'm afraid of those
Hermione is breaking promises for pleasure
Well, she has a point.
Seriously, Baby!
Wait for it, wait..
Never thought of it that way
I couldn't even imagine.
Well that sucks..
When you make an amazing move in a game and you have no idea how you did it.
We're tryin' to check sh*t out there
On the street: Hey! that's my frien... nope
Was not expecting that.
Taco Bell's policy on turtles
Well, fu*k...
Good guy Arizona.
European tour
I love you internet <3