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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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It’s not unusual
Blinker Fluid is Real!!!
fellas answer me this
they will never learn
Worth noting
Anon and his PC
Mistakes were made
Why nations fail
*R2D2 cries internally
Victorias Secret is she has sleep apnea
They roasted the shit outta this fish.
Nope, still a ghost
Chairs Have Gender
I need an adultier adult!
bad pun dog is BACK
My Professor has Defined College
I love these lazy Saturdays
Yes, I know what a horse is. A horse is a horse, of course, of course!
We made the best of all the snow!
a sound investment
How quaint
Wife is decorating with moss for spring, so I added Moss Man. Think she’ll notice?
Anon wants you to remember happy day
Neat trick
He is not his brother's keeper
What kind of ghost would you be?
People sure work fast
Friend heard some strange noises out back and flicked on his light..
Bless me, father
Lets do fallout to a real thing but shit in the streets
He lives again!
I think 90s kids feel older than others for some reason.
The Batman we deserve.
learn how this user gets hot chicks with one simple trick
Im trying to quit smoking. My girlfriend offered a blowjob anytime I feel I need a smoke.
Ye boi
When she wants the bad boi and ur a good boi
Legit feeling like almost Jesus
Live is life
You’re hired
Naturally what you do if you live in apartment 314
Don't vote establishment, vote NEGOKSA (posting for Kuma, see comments)
The only normal one
Clothing is not optional Helen!
He tried his best
Damn that's crazy
let's see if the fight for mod will have any "technical difficulties"
It hurt itself in confusion
Amazing invention
I found this buried in a folder on my computer
Y’all equal
Out of the spider-verse
Gotta protecc what you gotta protecc
Might or might not be a repost
Soak it up agent, soak it up.
Something like this i guess
Arguments over!
Gamer Reaction :)
Gas is conformist anyway
Vegan Ice cream
She has no idea
“im corgi”
Wife material: 0%
Gotta let him go
Wednesday election results (my dudes)
I had this for a long time, was this posted here before ?
Deym boy!
6 is the new 40.
watched a French swat team and this happened
It gets boring in the dark
What’s your name again?
Is it just me or do the Pokemon gen 8 starters look like the Powerpuff Girls?
So unprofessional
Japanese food porn.
Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?
Sometimes we lose grandma
new template?
Found this beauty
Fish n' Chips
Millipedes would be an improvement for a lot of y'all
Good ol’ tax season.
When the bad trip kicks in as soon as you step outside
Hide and sleep while they seek .
Vietnam 2.0
Anti vax mums like
What makes Tilas Tacos special?
They arrested the shit out of her
Woahh oohhh
They didn't see it coming.
True Doge
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