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I intend to see to it that any man who downvote a meme or upvote a meme gets what he deserves.
8-Year Club

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Can't decide which is my favorite
He just doesn’t grow ;(
*Grabs is again*
Wolverine must be huge...
Anon is cozy
If you're real quiet, you can hear them... ˢᵒᶜᶦᵉᵗʸ
Stop, Drop and Roll
We meet again... Well, our battle will be legendary!
Warning: new nightmare incoming
Big dick energy
Yo yo yo, just shut up...
I want to be a Doctor
This guy is gonna be end up in heaven
T-T-That's All, Folks
It do be like that
This 'dude' has been spotted in park.
Church Wars
My dog made a “nope” circle this morning
The bird has a point
*thinking noises*
Went to Arnoldfest this weekend. Took this photo in front of the Arnold statue. Just wanted to fit in.
I work here now.
Y'all are still stuck in Plato's cave
Sarcasm 100
Thanks science
but seriously though... "peace, guys!" *beats his wife and kid*
Google hates me, EXTREMELY
she remembers the lamb sauce
you monster
it be magic man
Poor Bear
"I don't care who started it, I am ending it now"
>tfw you spend half of your saturday on editing a meem
I don't want to know the backstory here
Does what it says on the box...
Can anyone explain??
Normal day in my life
Man, Man Man's the man man
We are a proud people.
Art in its purest form
Sneaking your dido into work
Exercise chart anyone can complete
it be like that
Good Job AntiVaxxers
What a tit.
Blaire is on to something.
my brain could not comprehend the edge
I wish I could unsee this
Smart Phone addiction, Funny but sad
Junkyard Math
I’m sorry, Dad.
Darn reposts!!
Just a typical family photo with our furbabies...
He’s not mad, just disappointed
I'm moving to a different state and ordered a pizza at my regular pizza place. This is how they said goodbye.
Ducks: How To Make Them Pay
I’d watch this on Twitch
Everyone likes snow ri-
A shaved Husky
What a beautiful baby boy!
Oxford comma, ladies and gentlemen
The 10 year challenge
Didn’t think that one through
Okay guys I have a cool new LIFEHACK
Why am I always elektron
Why they never come.
Obvious first place candidates
Mom trying to make a case against vaccines
of course I can run your servers
Dylan is a monster
Catholic school dress codes
I have been laughing at it for 2 minutes now
Nothing but truth
Omg I hate when this happens
I’m not exactly sure that it works like that…
Doom 9/10
On her way to speak with the manager
The wait was worth it
she’s gotta try swiping more time
Wife’s out of town and took the hair dryer, so I had to improvise. Officially feel like a real dad now.
+1 ..... +1 ..... 0
Love how he’s laughing
Poor Bob. He will be missed...
What future generation?
Next up, the 4 day old antivaxx kid.
i..just can't..
James Fridman. This guy is a legend.
I felt that for sure, that was me lol!
hit him up for your coachella gear
Theory: Autism causes vaccines.
A real sad story
What i got for my birthday.
There’s so many!