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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This review for a strip club in Ottawa ON i stumbled on lol
without mods we can use curse words in our memes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Shake shake, shake senora
Lets all pray to this one truth.
Every night
brave little man
but they are all war
The audacity of some people!
Guess my family and I will have to go one at a time to be safe.
small teeth
florida masters
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
Modern mafia
That’s some big dick energy
What a relief
The Chuck abides.
I don't have a microwave
Her next concert is gonna be a blast
Shoutout to @jrlol3
Alpaca vs Llama
Thos is gold
Sign at the dog groomer
get rekt
I see you’re into the classics
But which is the shop?
Anon at the library
they love him
the best for the best
I need my teeth cream and I need it all
$$$ in trash
[perfection in korean according to google translate]
*Skweek Skweek*
Anon writes a story
Proud of you son.
"Lemme pop in for 2 minutes, l know what l want already."
When a small child roasts you and you don't have any good comebacks
Fun job huh?
Just because I’m single doesn’t mean I eat alone— the gang’s all here!
How ironic this is.
A very happy lizard
This is so sad
Scooby dooby doo
the Expert
The American Education System
I'm older than MS-DOS
potential format
Cute breakfast idea
just wanted to share some art, will delet if repasta
Ah, the different scales
Hey Takua, can I borrow your heatstone?
ping anyone?
Parents helping
Thanks honey.
Here’s why you don’t wish for a million wishes
Accidental death of a slug
Open the door Keisha I just wanna see my puppies..
I learned it wrong.
Domestic dispute
Cover Blown...
All according to the plan
primordial knowledge
You've been Ri...
El chompo
Herbivore is for communists.
Current mood....
I'm telling you Ron! These are better than magic wands
sure thing baby
such disappoint, no zzzs
Never forget, this was allowed to happen 5 years ago
I would feel the same
Kind-hearted man is withdrawing money from an ATM so that he can buy food for these starving young girls in Thailand.
It's gamer time
Just as well they got that cover i wouldn’t have noticed there was a problem
Channel 4
Too real fam
A++ for you my boy.
Some motivation
its yeet or get yeeted
Upgraded from cassette
This is what Tobyposting should look like
reverse aging
I bet we all can relate here fellas
Try to catch me...
Count those memes
1 in 4096 my ass
Aye sir
Found this savagery in my physics textbook.
Please take my money
Always two there are
Why is this sign getting taller?
Ummmm.... Ok
Dangerously Stupid
What's wrong with being 46?
The alien truth
Spiderman forever
Sounds like my 11 year old sister