Any other grown-ass adults out here completely unable to manage their own bedtime and living in a constant state of exhaustion? Same

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Dikachu. I choose You.
I never saw it coming
Damm autocorrect!
Dab Prevention Cones
Anon is weird
It actually is like that
when ant man finishes expanding from inside the Thanus
Gonna name my kid "God Emperor of Humanity"
#1 Daddy
If you can imagine a new color... 1000 IQ
They look alike alright
Found this and almost died laughing.
Trust me, you won't regret it.
Call me by your name.
I trust him, what about you?
thank you for your service
How long did it take you to figure out what’s going on here?
My buddy snapped this on his way to work
I’ll take the last one.
Found this in store
To be followed.
Dang grandpa you should've told us
Karen, where the hell are my shots!
I mean it is true.
Did a mosquito build this hotel room?
Silly body.
I yeet my meat upon ur feet
Well done Mark...well done.
Semper idim
Yep! Everyone is valued.
It’s that time of year again folks
I at least hope they mention it
It's funny, because it's sad.
Amazing game plan
Rip Life Insurance
oh boi Endgame is gonna be awesome
is this legittimate?
i'm in
of course they will!
If I had the power I'd ban all of you.
The real task when driving
Dolphin taking scantron test
In touch with the ground, I'm on the hunt down, I'm after you
TFW you are guiding your drunk friend out of the bar and they try to socialize with every person in your way.
Hmmmmm, lovely bouquet of phenylalanine.....
It's fun...
Modern problems required modern solutions
Competitiveness in a whole new level
My attempt to get a friend to watch Game of Thrones didn’t go as planned
Big chonk. Oh Lawd He Comin
After 8 years of learning to speak German, this is what I get..
the one in the middle looks like jim carrey lol
Moon jokes
Thank God For Dodge
I don’t know who you are Abraham, but I got you
Tesla testing new self-driving vehicle with robotic chauffeur
I bought that same mat for my mom for xmas. I raise you one English bulldog!
The simple pleasures in life
A lovely talk between my parents
Pupper Problems
Help me off my horse
thot destroyer
Usa in four words
Let it rip!
Her side of the bed versus your side.
Roller coaster
be gone, or not ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My gay roommate got sick of people drinking his milk.
Don't bite off more than you can chew
Seems like Everyone is Online
my neighbor
Tip: how not to get arrested carrying weed
This took a wrong turn
Only real scientists will get this joke!
Ah, my type of tinder.
Greatest creation
nature is astonishing
Finding Francis!!!
All right Rowling, we get it.
Secret encounters
Sorry officer, it was green.
Well, she called it
This is a one way trip..
As if there was another option.
Guess I should have made some memes about hl being down
From oddly satisfying
And y'all still can't even use your blinkers!
Grandmas...can't beat them .