One of the kids in my house stole one of my wings and tried to replace it without me noticing

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Here's some bad news
Wolverine or Two Batmans Kissing?
I'm holding the sun
She really is the strongest.
Anon the cat
Got this in the mail yesterday!
Gotta go fwaaaaast
Problem, solved
Highest engineering
Alexa, this is so sad
Too many cars
J.K. Rowling at it again
Oh how the turn tables
Facts or fiction
Boy, everyone is stupid except me.
My daily
Raylin is Relatable
Kilt friendly bar stools in Ireland
Because dating just one is boring
Yeah wtf, Florida?
Good parenting advice
Good comeback
In and out, 20 minute adventure
Good boy Thor
Good boy Thor
We were warned in the 80s about the college admissions scandal
The sass is strong at this brewery I went to.
Give that professor a raise
Cartman explains the Laws of Physics
Hit or miss I bet they always miss
we're trying....
Hmmm where’d the last one go?
James Franco is a national treasure.
Your time will come soon
Don’t be ashamed
It might have overate... Alot
It's true..!!
When someone start telling the truth.
Really makes you think.
Life is too short.
I have a thing with my home toilet❤️
Wow, he has at least 5 days worth of monster
Sorry, maybe if you appeal I might consider
Room for Jack
Irritating af
Learning for life, accurate as can be
Come With Me,If You Want to lift.
Tell me more, tell me more...
We all know that's how it works
Be careful guys it's spring again
Can anyone help?
I personally prefer coke, but that might just be me
Nothing can stop me now
Anything works
Well boy do I have some news for you!
It’s a shame how far some hunters will go to slaughter innocent things
Good Job Scott!
And I stopped to post this here
Anon gets a dog
Can I get an F in chat
Thanos ruined THAT industy
tha wee las can caber toss now can she?
My newest wallpaper
Jenny I found your number
never mess with the special
Something that all species can relate to
Can’t stop laughing...
Master and Commander
My grandfather bought this neck massager online. He thinks it’s interesting that this model is also waterproof
Mathematically perfect pupper
Reading Acceptance
Every guy
A hole is a hole
All this time!
sounds quite nice actually
What a casual
Bloody attention seekers
Time and technology
I´ve made a huge mistake
Please, form a line Ladies
My nephew drew a picture of himself washing his hands in our sink and it is a masterpiece...
so deep
He gone catch one confusing ass beating
He's a professional
Following doctors orders
Let em fight
Formula1 vs soccer
embrace the flow
the water is thigh high
When the wife rings the pub
This sign in the toilet explaining how not to use it
You'll never read it the same way ever again
Old but gold. Just making your weekend sad
If the men posed like the women on movie posters.
welcome to gamestop
Hiding in plain site I see