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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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True. It's a simple yet enjoyable life.
so true
Saw this in an opticians bathroom
Game developers
Can't trust my car anymore
Waking up after meeting Cardi B
Oh no he didn’t
stay fried
Yeah I’m a connoisseur, why’d you ask?
Modern day invites
storage wars logic
The truth behind the scenes.
Hiddenlol be like it sometimes
Nice try :)
standad is save
How to fake a balloon prank this April Fools' Day
I just don't even speak anymore
Why even ask Karen?
Da faqs an okn't?!
"Baby, guess where we're going"
What a great guy
be careful
It has been fun meming with y'all.
Bubble Trouble
he... got her
weird times
Well he isn't going to get a tip
How my grandma sees me
cardi b straight up trash
Most magical characters
Holy touch
They said it belongs here
In the morning, I’m making waffles!
Aussies are ruthless!!
Every stereo geek I’ve ever met.
Mr.Worldwide baby
I’am a American now
isn’t this sad?
Your daily dose of sbeve
Boi ghostin
EU comrades after article 13 pass
They gon be rich
New developer starts soon, decided to give him a prank workstation for his first day.
Calm down Kimberly
panel squared
JK Rowling is on a rowl
I’ve never been suspicious of coconut water.. until now.
Workplace safety at its finest!!!
Ay no
Article 13 really g@y
Is this format dead already
So profound
How Italians Smoke Wreed
Same as usual?
And Im done for the day.
Stole this meme from a black person, plsnoban
The Nobel Peace Prize goes to:
That explains everything !
I Look Like a Fox... ;)
Yo moms, wassup?
Small town problems....
General Practitioner
Life is about growth
this pain scale at my doctors office
How to mind your own business
Damn you Article 13
Mmmm ketchup...
I want this dog as my spirit animal.
Damn you Canada
Conference Call Bingo
The ol'e switchel schnitzel.
Live your life
Damn True!
Final Fantasy stops
Epic photo of a dog and a giant field of weed.
So I’ve worked as a barista for the last month or so, really been trying to figure out latte art. Thought I’d share my first success here (:
280M y.o. salt gonna expire next year
You done messed up.......
Love is no longer a choice!
They better hurry up, he's got a treaty to sign!
"We can't keep it" They said.
What an eye for details.
Yup, it's epic freedom time
Country rooooaaads
Food Preserver
Lifeless eyes. Black eyes.
Pretty neat to give your Kitty a treat like this!
It's supposed to be faster