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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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Protest for Protester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best purchase I’ve made in a long time.
It do be like that sometimes
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Classic Bill.
ok cool
Let's all jump in this photo
Save the trees
Poor people..
I am in full tranquility
The cursed ones
do it
”Hey, I can roll my tongue”
Drug bad
The 1980s - such an innocent decade
Spooky boi
He’s doing his best
Savage joke
I present you the labrasauras
I couldn’t see it at first.
Until Charlie bites a finger
Bye but not bye, so bye again
I still remember how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb," but I have no idea how to make a budget and stick to it. Thanks, school.
dark pizza souls
This is Rick and Morty level shit here
Come to life
We'll be bffs forever
I ordered some samples from a blinds store and in special instructions i told them to add a nice doodle
I would help, but...
Know Your Cats!
The perfect photo doesn’t exis...
Your facial hair says a lot about you
Advice!.. Noted
That's his cat?
Not your classic missionaries
I teared up reading this.
A new form of age indicator
Can’t handle the heat
I spotted this beauty of a window sticker today
I just had my mind blown, i can't stop doing this
I for one welcome our new reptile overlords
Tough week for Jeff Bezos
Dinero para tu bebe?
I hate it when that happens
Now I'll be up all nite thinking about this.
Whole story in a nutshell
Teach 'em young
A special place in hell for jogggers...
Revengers Resemble!
I’m with him.
Dreams are real
What's Disney's obsession with retarded birds?
Summary of my public education...
Friends and I got together to pickup some trash. #trashtag
extends pinky
Pubic service announcement!
A few months ago, my friends and I got our photos taken at JC Penny Studios. Today, we put it up on a billboard in our hometown.
can't start the car because of this fat little lazy ugly cute drunk guy!
Whenever I go drinking
oh kids and their technology
Pay to Play
Some strive to reach Nirvana their entire lives, some people are already there...
This little ***er... #42.
He's a treasure
I want my electric scooter god dam it
This one hits a little too close to home.
27 years and still a solid read
Jesus before jizzus
Time to rewatch this show
Anon in Pompeii
"I'll allow it"
They learned from the best
3 chimneys, sort of, but not really.
I don't care if I'm wrong or if I'm right
Pull over.
Gaddamm aliens won't stay off my lawn.
Lose right arm and break my left hand friend gives me this shirt
Don’t save me!!
Mary, Bloody
Ow! So that Happened..
Tell your loved ones how much you love them
Medieval Parent
Medieval Parent
This awesome, awesome shirt.
I don't know if somebody already posted this but made me laugh
Successful fat scoring system for your cat at the vet clinic
Nice knowin ya
Unlimited energy!!
Humans are mean