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This is how much you mind your business in NYC
Catholic School logo. They don't even try to hide it
Fox news just aired this photoshopped Ambien label on TV
“New bulbs, got it. Is it a 4 or 6 cylinder?”
I never knew there were signs for burnouts!
Ranking Of Crystals, Based On Their Popularity As A Name For A Stripper
It is all I can see...
Guess I'll have to cancel my plans
I would do it.
This is so sad
Got the new safety hats at work!
It’s faster now.
My son ripped Mr.T out of the A-Team van, to reveal he’s actually Mr. Ampu-T
Face of ?
Plastic surgery addiction is real
Rare photo of mysterious monster
I'm just here to post my thots on spider-man
Austin is the smart kid
Better name than Avengers
Fursecution in action
(not OC)
Arms. Still. Blue.
shrek eats chocolate
tell me where is the lie?
I am now enlightened
They had us in the trailer, not gonna lie
DMV lady had to call her superiors to confirm that this man, this pastafarian, can in fact take his photo with a strainer on his for religious purposes.
Saving the banana for later.
Birthday card for an old friend
So my grade 5 son had his “the birds and the bees” lesson at school today. Needless to say he wasn’t impressed.
We Would Have Gotten Away With It Too
Lightning McQueen
Guess her speed !!!
Keep believing yourself!
If it works it's not stupid!
Nobody reads these anyway.
Ummmm no...
Fire up the grill
Good morning, beautiful
My daughter wanted to be in the photo with us. We didn't tell her we were going to kiss.
What the fridge
Captain Mother Fu@#er
Women take this
Saw this today at a rest stop in Oklahoma. Happy to see he still has a great sense of humor!
haha, very cool Bill :)
Every time I come home I feel like I'm going to get stabbed ...
Return to glory
Better than it looks
Oh how the turn tables
It do be like that sometimes
That voice
life is pain
Shrek 5 looks lit
We'll see
warning: earrape
Super Pingas Man
This review of an Irish police station
What happens after 30?
Tis be true
Good luck with that
Clever spooderman
Impressive af
Venn Diagram: Similarities between bank robbers, DJs, preachers, and mom taking off your sweater...
Appropriate placing
We want depression Sonic
Batman Cosplay
This dickhead.
Focused on the treat
I’m sorry to say but tis true
H'what in tarnation
Wow I'm taller than Harry Potter.
Found this note in a drawer at IKEA, send help
Type of people like this are elite
The world of technology.
Sing it out loud..
Haha I'd start randomly dancing in front of those camers
Theres always that one guy
First things first.
Most Aggressive Dog Breed
The 4 Stages of Eating Cheese
Weird Al Yankovic has finally won his new Grammy. He thinks it makes his previous ones obsolete
Whoever put this, thank you
I just noticed this
Anon makes memes
Did you put the meth in the evidence locker?
Peace frog
Paid for my ex’s glasses and decided to spend a little extra for an engraving.
Say it aint so!
How many Chuggas?
Going Vietnam. Packing my bag.