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You probably know my face if you sort by fresh or rising (because I never make it to front); it haunts your dreams at night. gigalol:pokematic
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Babushka’s Creed
The wrong answer
I've seen this before
I love Tina
The North Remembers...........
Nailed it! 2019 Dumb and Dumber
Stay classy Australia.
Greatest enemy !!
My professor is always putting jokes up
Imagine buying this on a Monday.
I love my cat but never trust them.
I-Is she the pedo?
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name...
Moving on with life from bad times.
South Africa
Is this stylish swim wear..?
Fictional universes have really weird biology
Even Westeros needs a morning pick-me-up.
Ah, $hit
this is a stick up
Get in, loser, we're going rummaging through trash cans.
The Venus flytrap!
Commas save lives.
Found at my school
don't let yourself be oppressed anymore, GAMERS RISE UP (OC)
Science has finally gone too far
Does this belong here
Sharks: Twitter
Little spaisy
The weed dealer we all need, but don't deserve.
You can't hide the truth for long
"I cannot resist!"
Florida man
Police officers hate this trick
Spent 4 hours in after effect for this, but can't come up with a meme... maybe you have an idea OwO
Now wait a second...
I’m just gonna slide under the door like we normally do.
Creme brulee for giants
When the insides of your roller blades come out
Spoiler Man and The Incredible Leak doing interview together
Badass dog.
This self help book has changed my life.
Turns out the entire franchise was just Tony Stark's Palladium-induced fever dreams
It would not be fun to work at a Game of Thrones Starbucks
This guy dressed as the Burger King at a poker table with Oreos in his chip holder
drove past this gem today
Squeek Squeek
haha yes
Plants vs Soviets
I have found my Monday spirit animal. I call him Dave.
A sad state of affairs
Lol this is so easy
Why is dentistry important?
Best bathroom sign ever!
Anon finally gets it
This is genius I hope he won
Lists always help with the important things...
Using the public restroom at work today..
Misunderstood Girlfriend
Where my Gold Club nibbas at
Goes double for "artists"
Oldies but goldies.
My favorite Far Side
Daenerys prefers Coffee over Ale !!!
P h o n e
Where did the years go
Thank u
Thanos Snap
Checking the integrity of the steel on this water fountain..
Norway's new minister of health
Shake Hands
True warriors
If this isn't true i don't know what is
HuMoR iS a wAY oF cOPinG
*Swastika fails*
Customer service is priority
Always the eldest get bashed
All 3000
Not one thank you
Trying to figure out this
Are we doing Far Side now? Here is my favorite!
Victorian Police from Australia on Twitter
7 panels
What a great way to start a day !
Jordan Peterson's rule 13
The threat of violence
Judgement Cut!
Everyone's Life should turn out this cool
Carta patetica
I've only played the rake