You probably know my face if you sort by fresh or rising (because I never make it to front); it haunts your dreams at night. gigalol:pokematic

Joined 12 years ago (2013-02-02 22:56:20).
Has 69,800 Karma.
Created 387 posts.
Wrote 12,000 comments.

Achievements Info

Moderator 15.03.2021

Commenter of the Month 31.12.2022

Pepe Expert 02.12.2022

8-Year Club 01.02.2021

7-Year Club 01.02.2020

Hardcore Commenter 19.11.2019

6-Year Club 01.02.2019

5-Year Club 01.02.2018

4-Year Club 16.02.2017

3-Year Club 16.02.2017

Pepe Collector x2 18.11.2022

Poster of the Day x2 24.11.2020

Commenter of the Day x11 04.01.2019

Experienced 17.06.2018

Silver Club 30.04.2018

2-Year Club 16.02.2017

Poster 12.02.2017

Commenter 10.09.2016

1-Year Club 16.02.2017

Verified 15.02.2017

Casual Poster 12.02.2017

Casual Commenter 10.09.2016

Bronze Club 09.09.2016