pokematic · 1 points ·

pokematic · 3 points ·
Been really into Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventure Deluxe this week, and getting close to 100% the trophies, but man alive was this game not optimized well for the base model PS4, it lags so much and last night crashed frequently. I also tried scheduling a podcast with my cohost but of course our schedules aren't lining up. Also getting my taxes done tomorrow, that'll be fun (not).
Surprise me slav.

pokematic · 5 points ·
I'm looking forward to trying to see how they defend the IRS, that's going to be the biggest cope ever and it's going to fall on completely def ears since no citizen has ever liked the tax collector in the history of the world.

pokematic · 8 points ·
It's kind of the inverse, a lot of people refuse to separate bad art from good people and admit that what they made was bad because they like them as a person.

pokematic · 5 points ·
Who ever said that English was easy? Even native English speakers say that English is hard.

pokematic · 15 points ·
Condom (presumably latex) stretched over a body part, where's mctrump?

pokematic · 6 points ·
The rules of "find the amongus" dictate that whoever comments the location first wins, easy or hard you still won and beat me to it. This one was similar to a silver or gold pepe, a contest of speed and not observation.

pokematic · 8 points ·
This was an easy one.

pokematic · 5 points ·
My work is letting us test out different LLMs for work purposes, I'm trying it with some data analysis (basically the only useful application). Out of 3 processes it can accurately tell me the 2nd best process but not the second worst process. I had it list them out in order and it can order it right, but for some reason "duh I don't know what the second worst is, but here's the worst."

pokematic · 5 points ·
300 PG version, still great. "This is caketown."

You probably know my face if you sort by fresh or rising (because I never make it to front); it haunts your dreams at night. gigalol:pokematic

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