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Bukowski get over here! Mainly reposting r3dd1t memes, doing a shitty job at that as well.
Karma Hunter

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The devil is among us
Is this love?
Exercise is good
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Anon's job sucks
Air Arya...........
Meteor sceptic
Damn porn hub.
This man is on another level
It's 2019 everyone!
Friend of mine had a wrong number text him
body positive
Respect 100
Well that’s an interesting captcha test.
What do I tell mom?!?!?
You know someone tried it
I like this approach
The D.E.N.N.I.S. System works even in Westeros.
Playing with fire
Who killed JFK?
This crosswalk in Verona, Italy.
Left hand and right hand are applicable. Here we show you using it with the right hand and the right hand.
Let's help each other out!
It must feel good
I sure love that nut butter!
Monty Pewton
Classic oral or anal
You see Dimitri, in order to guide the missile you must become the missile.
Unimpressive SMH
So I keep on imagining how Detective Pikachu will sound like..
Found on the hub
My countries glorious history in one meme
I finally found my spirit bag
I feel targeted
The absolute mad lad
Who said drugs where bad?
unkempt harold
I made a new template! Took me longer than i'm proud of...
Death by snu snu please
Received this after the “turn phones to airplane mode” announcement
She is the only one who got the place to sleep on.
Now that is some awareness
Fair deal
End of an "Great" Era, if this passes.
Beautiful lyrics
Past due
Long boïz
This change jar is three quarters full.
I wonder how they keep it fresh...
Infinity war spoilers!
Scrubs was the best
You were my friend!!
I'm going to Hell for this!!!
gosh darn it jerry
How to get fired and divorced!
Found in a book of funny Craigslist “missed connections”
Mc***ed up
*old town road plays*
From eating sand to making the avengers sanded.
The greatest Venn diagram ever.
A friendzone-to-friendzone time-space continuum
Heroin gives you autism
Good boye is still learning...
Heros get remembered...
A perfect job for me
Good ol' Georg... always the same with him
They keep society floating
She deserves that
Tripped and fell today but I'm ok
Hopefully soon
Sock it to me.
Martial arts marketing
Excuse me, rocks....
Thinking about my next meal... While I'm still eating
Momma with da diss
They have evil powers
Behave yourself child!
Angry bird selfie
♫Shot through the.... head, and you're to blame♫
Everyday we stray further from god
Just marking the occasion
Fat people providing mobile hotspot on public transport get priority seating. Move along preggys!
More true than I care to admit.
Not so happy feet
Vroom, Boom
Little kool-aid men
Wish him some luck
One Audi to rule them all
Fine, ur called Nibba.
Helping grandma with the remote
It's P for pass!
Lazy ass humans