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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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have some love for this dead mother
Not today sea hag
When EndGame beats Titanic's record... time for a rematch!
Hhhhhh loool
Anyone dark humor here ?
The only superhero toy worth buying
Well I mean. Kinda true tho
Confused old me entering HL today
All hail phone users
Basically after Germany got snapped (in 2)
High beam low beam
Atleast 2 or 3 things
But what about Moana?
He really would
Congrats you played yourself
Wine Tasting
He cooks a good meal too
This is cute ..
Told my bf I was going to go to a costume party as Luna and he shows up as the most busted Sailor Moon
Owl and Cat sleepover
Spotted this sticker today. I'm super serial, guys!
Pitbulls are just land seals
I'm not gonna say he's wrong.
calling the next trend of 2019
The Sweetest Victory
She Got That Work
I want one.
That would be correct
Responsible move
If wishes were horses.
Posting just for my land being mentioned
When the cops are behind you
From Deadpool to Pikachu
Another Gem From Russia
A kid at my school got suspended for putting these 'important notices' around the school
Defective pikachu
Dr Phil with hair, without mustachio
Go daddy!
The devil is among us
Is this love?
Exercise is good
Keep scrolling...
Anon's job sucks
Air Arya...........
Meteor sceptic
Damn porn hub.
This man is on another level
It's 2019 everyone!
Friend of mine had a wrong number text him
body positive
Respect 100
Well that’s an interesting captcha test.
What do I tell mom?!?!?
You know someone tried it
I like this approach
The D.E.N.N.I.S. System works even in Westeros.
Playing with fire
Who killed JFK?
This crosswalk in Verona, Italy.
Left hand and right hand are applicable. Here we show you using it with the right hand and the right hand.
Let's help each other out!
It must feel good
I sure love that nut butter!
Monty Pewton
Classic oral or anal
You see Dimitri, in order to guide the missile you must become the missile.
Unimpressive SMH
So I keep on imagining how Detective Pikachu will sound like..
Found on the hub
My countries glorious history in one meme
I finally found my spirit bag
I feel targeted
The absolute mad lad
Who said drugs where bad?
unkempt harold
I made a new template! Took me longer than i'm proud of...
Death by snu snu please
Received this after the “turn phones to airplane mode” announcement
She is the only one who got the place to sleep on.
Now that is some awareness
Fair deal
End of an "Great" Era, if this passes.
Beautiful lyrics
Past due
Long boïz
This change jar is three quarters full.
I wonder how they keep it fresh...
Infinity war spoilers!
Scrubs was the best
You were my friend!!