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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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.. Whoa
He is right
I would trust him too!
Ride of Death
Never sit in the first row
Is it bad when I understand?
I swear mum, the baby stole the sweets!
I taught that Villager.
Because you're not asian
When a grenade hits you in CoD...
The hero that the subway needs...
I do see the resemblance.
*queue Universal song* aaand not what you expected...
A killer bird! Run for your lifes!
In a parallel universe
My whole life has been a lie!!!
Hashtags on Facebook
Apply cold water to burned area
What a slut
The Bug dance
When crush is looking at you. Retarded walking mode: ON
I dont know what would I do without it
It makes so much sense now!
Guess it was more effective than the todays system
The most usefull hero ever
Easy win
Every day the same...
Yeah... :)
Not what you're thinking :P
Meanwhile in Vatican
The end
How much a cat cares about you
True story
'Love me human, love me!'
I'm a big fan of the... HOLY-mpics C:
Ready when you are.
Really cool trick
How I felt when I went to the gym in my brand new workout clothes.
Oh, you're watching?
Thanks guys
M or f?
Merry christmas
When my crush invites me over
Jk, I'm the avatar.
Tablet gaming
Bye bye leg
It does explain her...
Please take me now, now!!
I could watch this forever...
You cant be that much of a slut?!
Just Men in Black :)
Find the gay person
How to teach people manners
Yeah it's true mom
''I told that hoe to stop recording us.''
Redneck Benefits
Pikachu cat!
Just do it
Saw this picture... Noticed that kid's face.
You want me to do what?!?
The future waits..
Today was a good day
Nailing like a boss, oh wait
Oh it's hurt me
I. F*cking. Love. Snow!
Time lapse of snow in mountains
Dramatic exit.
Daddy, where do roads come from?
Love at the first meal
When you make a dirty joke, only one of your friends can get
That's the Reason why You only should fap when You are alone
I did not expect that
And the ladies get wet
Fat and Stupid
When you're so rich, your playing cards are iPhones....
My House Can Smell My Presence
My Legs Hurt
This is an atrocity!
Two cats having a conversation
I think one stab was enough....
He's very proud of it
Chemistry, what are you doing? Chemistry. Stahp,
When will you learn?!
Just Laina
To the rescue!
Whoa, whoa. What do we have here?
I agree.
Canadian Civil War
How to make a pigtail as a dad
Frozen CD + Lighter =