Well.... that's one way to travel lighter!

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Keanu turning water into wine.
My dudes
I really want to meet the aspiring chef who made this sign necessary.
thahs mah secret cap'n
A photo of Keanu Reeves running away with a camera he took from a Paparazzi guy is currently my favorite photo on the internet.
Honey please
I'm too high for this my answer is applesauce
kids playing on top of car
Gen 1 repackaged for the new generation of players
Alabama 100
GOT is already coming back, new intro here
Sweet home Alabama
Highest level of advertising
I choose video games
I am Groot !!
Hard to be mad at that...
One awkward wake up
From a galaxy far far away.
Adam Sandler looks like he owns every gas station in Detroit.
Everything is red.
Animation > Live action
How Dora is summarised in Malaysia
Please stop
Hey! I have standards!
Aah, the ultimate solution!
Reppin that merch
He's trapped in a mountain of bubbles
Verging on cannibalism
Good movie
Not built for the sunlight
Feels good man
This barber is sick of your shit
A few days ago a car drove through an Arby's. This was their sign today.
Yeah, that's me
Just plain stupid!
Wise words
Don't try them all
Someone playing a game in a train
The perfect band doesn't exis.....
Subway superheros
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
The Tube
Once you pop, you can't stop
Wholesome funny
What a month
I love it when people name their houses.
"I want you to remake The Last Jedi and Game of Thrones."
That tongue game tho..
and good-looking too!
He is not wrong though
Nice shot
Who knew having children could be so profitable!
Crome dome..ehh...crome plateau
Mommy I want this one
But it is
I have a hard time with this fortune
It's a give and take relationship
Bridesmaid or Bridesmaids?
Very true indeed
Unsullied impostor
Some stories write themselves
The cycle.
Here Comes the Sun
Still not as bad as windows actual mobile os
Let me get a cry for help with cheese
Finally a useful purpose for VR
his facts dont care about logic
Doctor Strange sure has a different definition of winning
or 1 wooden sword
Mama mia
Our lord and savior
Who did? Not me.
Boomer memes best memes
Someone loves their pets
*Insert Perry noises*
The only time when girls talk to guys in the office
this will be a lot shorter movie
Oh. This seems like a good pet.
When an old couple on Tinder try to lure you in as their third.
Leaked footage of Huawei's new OS
That kid needs a little perspective
Ze guvnor
Like talking religion with a stranger
One picture says it all
and stay away from kids
the most uneventful jojo chapter
Americans! Thank you
Enjoy your life
More like poolio amirite guys
Some of you can hear this picture.
Best cup ever, beer stays cold for hours. A while ago I jokingly told her I'd steal it.....