My newest fake invention is the FrustrationButton, you own belt buckle horn for slow walkers.

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Frank Catsle
There's a reason why he is called the Dark Knight!
Apparently Baltimore has a trash eater called "Professor Trash Wheel" that keeps the water clean and I'm sad i didn't know sooner
Hot single crusaders in your area.
Cursed Navigation
My mom told me I couldn’t post this until she was able to sell the horse, years later and I never forgot about it.
like wtf dude, not cool
Food Taggers
Better shave than sorry
Biitch and Chong
so smort
deus vult
More lies
Well then let's see
For my fellow electronics nerds
Keep an eye out for clones
prepare for trouble and make it double
The ultimate wrestling move
It just might work.
Italy left the chat
On the next episode of chernobyl
Tiny people found! Banana for scale
Bible.... Teacher? Is this some Christian joke that I'm too heretic to understand
Terror comes in many forms...
My fat ass thought this was a steak
It’s a Texas thing...
My cat is not functioning properly.
Mmmmmm chips...
May they FORCE feed you, Anakin
A successful life
Floofer facts
All in one!
it’s improvement?
Take that, christians
Who knew Bea Arthur was so ripped
Just dont
Young Keanu Reeves in a Japanese promo Ad for "Point Break".
A picture taken seconds before a picture taken seconds before a moment that will never be forgotten
One does not simply kill a Florida Man
Funny breakup
Hermione would be a better protagonist
*All along the watchtower intensifies*
50/50 chance, but wrong 100% of the time
Mary just looking for a little love
Interesting :p
Make him wear one
Movies lied to me
A handy guide
That's how it works, right?
An interesting way to put it
That's cheating
My 12yr old niece sent me this today quoting “check out my awards yo”
Cats downstairs in my company
Aliens on the bus ...!
God I love math memes
*dabs away*
This Father's Day sign in Indian Hills, CO.
Well I mean it does make him look better
My first post in this community
Thumb nail
Words of wisdom from the Department of Transportation
Send bobs
Tasty looking sushi.
Describes most of the posts on this sub
Basically everyone
The Father's day card my dad has been awaiting for over forty years.
The truth about Thor's Hammer is finally revealed
Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch-
Safe word is Gandalf
Would like to see that in the next Avengers
Not true
This was in my dentists waiting room
An unwelcome surpirse
Mike Tyson Dressed Up as Mr T
Thanks Durex! Oh and Happy Father's Day!
Large Simpson
Death risk situation
I'm sorry but it has to be done
I think we can all agree the food is great.
I found this “american” themed section while visiting europe, go easy on us guys
It's my first father's day, am I doing it right?
Dude’s clench game is out of control
Average Polish Man
I send this to my girlfriend when our arguments aren’t getting anywhere
A Sign Made For Father's Day.
Happy Father’s Day y’all
For the dad that has everything
Dark Dad Day
I have an audi
Fuᴄking bards man
Real time childhood
So we celebrated father’s day with a few family’s and gave the kids 15min to dress the father’s up in battle armour