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Real time childhood
So we celebrated father’s day with a few family’s and gave the kids 15min to dress the father’s up in battle armour
Hate that shit
One of the best ads I have ever seen!
Fiona ?
He needed to give an emoticon transplant
Too soon bro
More productive than most
Girl has given Maddie diabetes
Picture taken seconds before a moment that will never be forgotten.
Thanos gets caught out
Simple answer.
Cats'n'Dogs - Dropping the hottest RnB album this year.
Surely this woman doesn't mean *all* my old toys
me, the communist state
In honor of Father's Day, enjoy this picture of my dad contemplating a gorilla's ass.
My fortune cookie’s trying to start some drama with my wife and I.
My kids got me a new coffee mug today :)
Happy Father Day
It's been a long time since I've had a swordfight
Love me some bread
Our labors must not go in vain
Just // my life
I though everybody already knew this..
The box, it does nothing
Stealy2 meme
All pets are the same
Just flopping around
Benjamin Button at the park
you heard the man
Meanwhile in Hong Kong
A local farm where I live had trouble with their flock all wanting to sleep in the same house, each night they have to go break them up. The other night they found their dog had joined in
I had to look twice..
Change my mind
Happy squirrel
A Special Announcement
Captured a pic today of this man trying in vain to yield to a deer in Nara, Japan.
Happy Father’s day to Scranton’s finest
Happy Father's Day...
This chicken restaurant really existed in China.
Satan glazed steak
This pretty much sums up my life...
Wisdom of the elders
No, you're breathtaking... no you are, no you are!
"Too Nice?"
Saw this on my ride home today.
Are you my daddy
When someone buys Winrar..
Dogs = <3
Deadpool And Spiderman Good Times
I did a charity walk. This was the photo they put on their website. I'm on the right.
Kirby at home
An Unlucky Throw
Artwork placard outside city hall in SF shows their sense of humor.
Snapchat transformed my aunt into Jon Lovitz and I literally can't.
Looks like I'm walking home from church from now on
When Grandpa helps you get ready for Prom night.
The timeless art of seduction.
Bro wtf
True geniouse
Every time someone turns on ESPN
This squirrel taunts me daily
So many popped balloons
It’s the worst
Rockstar, please see this
this is literally me
Imagine his voice in this form
Chop chop
Detailing a 3D printed Pikachu did NOT go as planned
I found the greatest cosplay ever at Heroes Con
This church sign is going hard on the puns
Well hot damn
Oppress those toilet using normies
Arizona highway safety sign for today.
You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals.
My mom laughed
And ice cream
Relatable +4
Thats it. That's the cut-off
Cruel humans
Dammit Karen
Ladies... We are evolving. Our underpants now have pockets.
*** yo watermark
Had to do it to him
Bone app the teeth....
I wanted to celebrate and announce my awesome Father's day gift from my wife. No better way than a sexy photoshoot
Gosh darn gen Z, get off my millenial lawn!
I've always wondered, and this just verified.
Just in case it breaks
Where you belong, weeb
tried to take a good shot of my cat yesterday but a sneeze turned her into a villain