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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Happy birthday pothole !
The good ol’ days.
You beat the hell out of it.
*Bold, raw colour noises*
Step up your game women
That's a gamer moment right there
We found the answer
True motivation!
Only one man can bring this country together
My wife nailed the custom T Shirt for our 14 year old.
so sad
Stay safe out there, boyos.
A True Speedrunner
Di-hydrogen Monoxide
Sweet or Salty...
teach me
Poor gingers...
Not my image but I found this really cute.
I Can't belive no one claimed it!
We can do this the easy way or the hard way..
Like on minecraft
Time to bust out the block of cheese
Stultus est sicut stultus facit
Cops beat Chinese man after asking for his name
This one guy going old school with a lighter in a pavilion full of cellphone users. Stay strong, lighter bro!
Gift from my friend!
Videogame and chill
Ariel’s boutta be liiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
ThIS iS WhY My ChILd iS nOt geTiNg a VacCiNe
Stop hurting earth!
Stop enjoying your life.
We have our priorities!
An epiphany
Flavortown is Under The Sea
This is how mexicans are born.
How to calm a baby
This cat lost vision in one eye, but thanks to modern technological advancements, his vision was repaired.
Currently looking for a potential repost
Whatever he's in court for.. ..he did that shit.
I gotta admit, they had us in the first half
Egyptians were living the good life
Such evil
Trigger warning...
That’s hard,
A message from Batman
Anon the ***or
Spec ops coming in
I see you Mark
Failure at its finest
Lyrics to the remix
Strange. How could such a great idea go wrong...
This is not funny guys
Excuse me, your balls are showing, bumble bee tuna.
At least they used to call me cute
I’d be surprised
Zen Cows
You can't leave me like this
Anon is ugly
The new Little Mermaid
The floppy disk to end all floppy disks.
Pink is the new black
Software Devs today
I’m just gonna leave this here.
Well, if this warning sign doesn't work I don't know what will.
Only two weeks left!
I am getting better and better at survival now.
sad funny
This is what it's come down to
It's me Malario
The perfect road trip doesn't exi...
Dang it Disney
Breaking the 4th panel
Charlie Brownson
Save a sister
This firework I found today
I Want What He’s Smoking
Peak Bananas.
What do we do now?
thats nasty
Mmmmmmm no for me
Im gonna need a refund.
See What the *** Ya'll Done Did!
Its a constant reminder
Don't forget the important things on vacation.
Dedicating a book
Clean your room retard.
Can you imagine getting locked up and having to admit it is because you licked ice cream
One if by land, two if by sea...
Helpful food chart for dogs
There’s a max ammo bro just revive me first
The perfect analogy doesn’t exi....