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I’d like to speak to myself, please.
I will not fail you !
I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle
With Disney remaking Home Alone, they should have Macaulay Culkin act as a wet bandit or the kind old man
Monsters are real.
Neigh T - Neigh T
What you gonna do now?!
He sure is.
Whats up backseat boy
VLC media player
Your mother is a printer
I think he made his point very clear
ha ha... yes
Great artist
This iguanas doing a maternity photo shoot
Not all girls want to be a Disney princess
Ooo yum
I'm also available for prostitutation in exchange for expensive gifts and money
How can those things be legal?
The ol switcharoo
This could be my autobiography
The ridiculously photogenic german police and protester
Always a silver lining
The rest of the story
He’s become a Legend.
Boom. Roasted.
12 year old gamers can’t relate
The moment Hitler picked up his first video game controller and became obsessed with killing
Brushy brushy
Today is my birthday. Today is also my first birthday as a cat owner.
This is the best Batman scene ever
Learn the rules people!
Nobody has ever asked me what’s inside my locket
Seems to happen every time i go out to eat
A moraay eel pictured from the front looks like it has a second face screaming to die.
the struggles of superglue
But first id use it to cool down that burn
They’re ballers, but ballers on a budget
I may not relate to this but damn if it isn't art
Life, son, daughter, etc etc
the leg straps are the best part
Confirmed, gay marriage cause video games
Doggo relaxing after a hard day.
Musk Is a Madman
This poor sea creature hit an iceberg !...what happens next romaines to be seen.....
“Yeah...., write that one down”
Yeah, boy.
The person who did this ad placement....give them a raise
Hoor is a dumb hoor
I know a girl like this
Seems extra fitting in recent news
Old vs modern footballers ...
And forget these gat-dang pajamas!’
Who's your daddy
Because coloring books are for babies
Poor miss banks
It was a long 5 minutes
Alabama invents lions
This is what happens when you take "capitalist pigs" a little too literally
when you're totally broke, but also are hungry as fuсk
Makes my skin crawl.
No more peace.
This doll needs to chill
It might be worth something someday
Lucky enough to find matching dresses for my boyfriend and me so we could do this pose at the Stanley Hotel. Estes Park, Co Thrift shop.
An X for evey advert, prefectly balanced
Let's cum together brother
Muda muda muda muda MUDA
Stargate Atlantis: Season 3, Episode 15
It’s a me
All you had to do was follow the damn train
5 chubby foxes
Anytime someone mentions hate crimes at work.
Smart posting.
I really wanted to yell it
Dating game on point.
We shall not waste food!
Ukrainian borsht. The beginning
I feel threatened
Best way to start the day
Great things come in 2's
The sad life of a caterpillar
The next generation comes
My great fear as a physics graduate
My kittens face after i explained to her that nice cats don’t scratch people
Lone wolf confirmed
PG 13 is nice
Hey, I've seen this one
Ice age anyone?
My friends play list
This one's hot
Luckey Haskins, the floor is lava champion.
Nice one RBS...