My cousin asked me to post a roommate wanted ad for him. Probably not what he had in mind, but facts are facts.

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Twice the spooks, twice the doots
Glad to see students still doing this
I never slept in class!
This salt will be rotten soon.
Keep your friends close
Gonna go enjoy my 60 melons now
Took him an hour
Players levitates team members for celebration
My Pi is crying too
Maybe I'll try
Sorry, not a trumpet
I did not win the company pumpkin carving contest.
Those Welsh people
Revenge is a dish best served grilled.
Mmm Processed Flap Meat Jacks
Mess with the gord, you get the sword
Coffee gives you powers
Had to sit through data meetings today and this was all that I could think about
He’s being too nice
The Captain speaks the truth
What's the worse that could happen
A bad time
Not my culture
Sometimes you got to just squash it.
story in the comments
Don't buy fake
I mean, they're not wrong
Someone had to know
sometimes Germans invent the wurst things
Five years.
Sometimes I do things that only confirm: I am an idiot.
sad dooting
The 5 stages of software development.
The beautiful hair.
Best iPhone case I’ve seen yet
an hero
My Professor canceled class to launch a suprise attack
Dr. Kirby
the SouthEast U.S.
*Siri stops playing*
Hard day
epic gamer move
Body shaming has always been a thing.
Look-alikes in nature.
The best job application
The only way Florida man solves things
Fake Pizza Hotline
Say watt?
Look at all that brain.
N is for Noob
We finally have the full story
The most creative creative Green Lantern cosplay ever
I bet he won't be smiling if he is dead by a heroin overdose
When a 50+ yr old man takes a selfie way too close
* angry woman noises *
Mesnwhile in AUS
Pushover Pegasus.
9 years ago our 6 year old Son decided to help us move by packing boxes in the kitchen... every time I hear the word container I think of this moment...
Damn it YouTube
Roses are red, babies are born;
Hand Karate
Oh, Should I?
Well that's a Hairy Potter.
What a journey
This is really funny and amazing at the same time, ngl
You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record, baby
Doc, I’ve got a problem.
Not even safe at the ice cream shop
The HDMI generation won't get it. EG.
honk honk
An escape from a stable relationship...
What a snack
A doot-tastic hero
Nothing to sea here
Do I look like I know what a JPEG is?
A dangerous game we play
Majority rules
Just a few Goodmen.
Just casually smoking and drinking at Wonder Bar in Amsterdam tonight and I look to my right and see this cat chilling at the bar waiting for a drink.
Heartwarming picture of a grandson taking his grandparent out for a stroll.
My girlfriends niece went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time...
Yawn, interrupted
thats a spooky laugh
Well this must have looked funny!
The smell of a grill.
This amazing advertisement from a local dentistry.
happy birthday
October's schedule
Most judgemental creature ever
Traditional October 1st Post
How not to stop an argument
Budweiser Presents: "Real Men of Genius" we salute you, Mr. Brilliant Leggings Inventor
I’m sure he’ll be right back
My dog weirded out by another dog at the park
Tinder is full of bots!
And you can forget using Papyrus!
My dad's new puppy is not allowed off the lead yet. Today she forgot about that.