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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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Internet Explorer did it again
A small wish.
Meanwhile in Bologna
Mines Wolverine but I guess that works too
Bing saying it, like it is.
Went out to the bars and dropped my card. Drunk guy found it & messaged me on Facebook saying that he put it in a bush for me to find. He did his best
Lets talk
Dark Side of the clueless
Meanwhile in Prague
Thx mum
radioactive meme
This is scary
If avocados were in Minecraft.
“Discovered “
Thank you for sharing
And he sticks the landing!
nico nico nii
Sure, Minecraft
I love bing
They're just normal people who like to sell drugs
big F
Just saw this hearse. I giggled, and thought any other person macabre sense of humor would also enjoy!
Belongs here
Reverse centaur makes everyone uncomfortable
TIL our IT guy loves caramels.
Oh yeah ...
Sometimes you need a good cry, so I designed the Sobbing Spectacles to soak up all your tears.
Feline abuse
Just keep the block cheese in the deli with all the other damn cheese.
I kahooted it
The greatest crossover event right here.
This complicates things.
The NBA just release their new logo concept
Someone should have warned Thomas about the affects of meth
Maybe he'd qualify for an income contingent payment plan
Atleast he didn’t have autism
Dont save a life
1 kilometre = 1.8 kilometers
This made me laugh way too hard so I thought I’d share.
What's your best line?
Ah yes
Why facebook always mad?
you got dat
can't relate
Wireless seatbelts
*points at cashier* I want you too
hold on what
Big oof
Opening up the third eye
that username is not available
Keep an eye out guys.
My GF put our Sphynx cat into a photoshop group on Facebook. Results did not disappoint
Coworker brought me a souvenir. I have a good feeling about this, I think we're going to be friends.
Imma just borrow this
Some guy saw a snake swallow its prey whole and thought "God I wish that were me"
You really want to stay out of trouble in this town
The knowledge enters your mind when you reach 6ft
Sign Guy Needs a Raise
Spooky dookie squad
Not the only one tho...
Every. single. one.
The perfect athlete for "water baseball".
When you hungry
aight Imma head out
We're all invited!
Anon pranks the internet
Halloween costume
this is a little scary
Sure thing buddy
Yep, it's boomer time
This is my buddy and my receipts from a restaurant in Puerto Rico. I love this island
Bring down the house
always loved jackin' it in the back of class
Grandpa what was 2019 like?
munch munch munch
What is he talking about mine have cars in them
Not meaning to be blasphemous but this is very funny
Mountain meet Volcano
old Cap looks like Joe Biden
Australia: Don't worry guys, it's just a weather balloon
A rule my teacher made
Jennifer Aniston’s first Instagram post has the photo quality of 1999.
Bomb 101
Dammit Crayola!
my depression is depressed
Risk free procedure, 100% success guaranteed
Release the clown