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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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Now, now Billy
Best part of my commute is the DIY Monster Truck a neighbor set up
All I Could AFORD
Snow's a comin
The three stages of womanhood.
Grassy Ass
Saw this beauty on Twitter.
Sorry. Rules are rules jesus
When a gun is not enough
ty fellow human
A friend of mine’s new living room setup.
A valid point
love lost
You just cant.
I have the best years!
We interrupt our regularly scheduled shitposting for this wholesome content.
If my video game knowledge has given me anything there is something under these bricks
Look Morty! I’m filter Rick!!
tHe TeRM miLleNIaL oFfenDS Me
Seems unfair
So this just happened to me. I’m dead.
Assey McGee coffee.
Road Saltbae
Jenna Fischer and her cat
those who do not follow policy must be asked to reconsider
You are forgiven!
So sad when our childhood actors hit rock bottom :(
Huaweii phone
DS memes here we go
That sucks.
I mean... Not wrong.
My name is bond... James bond and you are
Oh no go back
we have been heard
My revamp on the original...
“Hot or not”
So basically, this is your average BMW driver
Wow Disney+ is amazing
How do you do, fellow kids?
Miss Universe winners by planet
Somebody got a raise....
Cafe across from me is called 2 little pigs. There just happened to be 2 police officers sitting under the sign.
That.....was unnecessary
Snow and tell
Hungry? Grab a Snickers!
She takes her dating advice from Taylor Swift
*Japanese whispers intensifies*
Had a vasectomy. Wife thought she was funny.
this is art
The sun is a deadly laser
We need to put an end to this
you got a friend in horse ♫
Hey, that's pretty good
Little red
not like the simulations
A little tip for my fellow schoolmates
Ye, i knew it
Bugger off
Careful out there
he looks like a "Bill" or "Frank"
must we look to our enemies for help?
big mcthankies from mcspankies
One of the earliest gateway drugs out there
Buffalo chicken
that's some nice natural resources you got there
Werewolf Hunting
Umm, no thanks.
Surprise, it’s a...
A little hamster with a broken bone, the doctor had a hard time dressing it
not sure if this was posted yet
The Who
its my C day
Cord cutters
Don’t buy drugs, but a grandma
Making Al Gore proud
I got 99 problems, but sobriety ain’t one.
Elementary school level racism.
It all floats down here, Eddie!
Women running Bath water
Best pic I’ve ever taken
Cell division in a nutshell
Waited in line to steal this from @kelp.memes on insta
Buddy of mine deals in Snapchat gems...
You suck Bianca
Mmmmm chocolate
So I was watching The Simpsons Movie on Disney +...
Good boi signed for the delivery
We can stop now, this one wins.
A message from TV’s Grandpa.
same energy