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3am after a night at the club
Four visits later, and my proud grandma still has no idea.
Frozen filipino
Thought of you.
More like “Trick or Treat!”
I'm scared
Easy enough
Attempted to take a cute picture of me and my dog. This was the result.
My boyfriend said he made holiday cookies...
Everyone love's hotdogs
Now that’s a lot of damage
Recently had a CT scan and noticed this in the report...
IKEA in store survey. Seems a bit personal...
BEEgon thought
Awesome Mandalorian art by BossLogic
This is punderful
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.
Even the bads has their happy ending... maybe!
this is so sad
Not one but two bites
I just „died” on the floor from laughing at this
it is i, the great clown pagliacci
Evidence enough for me
That's basically me in a nutshell
Well, THAT date just went down like the Luftwaffe over Britain
Behold the Cataloupe!
living his best life
x & y Variations
Voldemort is back
Well.. he does ngl
Tony the chef
Who needs a Lamborghini anyway
Mobile Games
Forgot to carry the 1... again
They DO have good music though
One is slightly bigger than the other
big F
Memevember Week #3
Totally safe!
Truckers will go out of their way to help
Classic Wednesday
There is no I in Wii comrade
Land shark!
This Valentine's, treat ya fly girl
Poor deathclaw, it sucks being an outsider
Full chub
ANAKIN: You said use the force! YODA: Use the fork, I said
Deer in area
What can you do..
Birthday cat!!!
Old farting
Same As It Ever Was
yes please
A battle for the ages
I’ve just about had it
Clearing things up.
It‘s in german, deal with it
The flower girl's expression when her friend got a hug from Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu
The Secret to Cooking
Bill Cosby v Ice Cube
Someone save this man!
just a normal weekend :) #memevember
so long boys
jefferd eppsteinerd
Oh no indeed
The real MVP
Why would you do this
You messed with the wrong person
Are you just an ***?
I bet she got a kick out of it
If you see this, run
Tinder date : Cancelled
I also start talking Japanese when I fight
Ah yes, seen it happen before.
a happy meal just arrived in a land rover.....
Must be why vegans think they're so bright
Special thanks to prometheus9876 for the meme idea. Sorry it will get downvoted.
Note passing in 2019
Civil Engineer of the Year
Is this heaven ?
10/10 Would Reccomend
The Clemson Tigers going to see a movie looks like a chain gang got a night out for good behavior.
They could have just used 7 different pictures
I hope y’all get a kick out of this
This car that I found in my hometown Colorado
Illuminati joined the chat.
Get ready for the REAL Black Friday deal!
To infinity and beyond
For the humans!
He is Making a List
I finally got to see Big Ben
Fortune cookie definitely not made in China
This is the best headline I've seen today.
Dad knew what he was saying lol