My first job back in high school was working at a movie theater. That year for Christmas everyone received a sack of popcorn from me.

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Ahhh that's hot!
Gen Wars: Revenge of the Boomer
The new religion that will finally unite us all
Works every time
He had to do it to em
This translation does not surprise me.
Gonna tell my kids this was Star Wars
This post was made by 00s Kids gang.
I can’t unsee it
tea time
German translations are a hoot
“Shh... It’s okay, the can’t throw away our love.”
Only big brain people can understand.
We'll see in a few years from now.
You guys can have some
Be safe Godzilla.
Tony the Dog
Thats not a dog
I can hear this shirt
“God gave me a great body and it’s my duty to take care of my physical temple”
Stupid Photo!!
Give me more time
Purrfectly cathletic
I want a pizza this food war.
Anybody want a pack of red apples ?
come for a hug bro
Gonna tell my kids this was Star Trek
Going light speed
Chocolate is life !!!!!
It made me chuckle
You have games?!
Met the new neighbors today.
The strongest part of the damn box!
Have you seen my cat?
I just wanted to take a picture, but then that
It’s not DiGiorno, it’s DiStruggle
Did no one noticed this?
Out of context sword and shield
On/off on/off on/off on/off on/off
My local bar's "drunk test"
Dr Seuss would like to know your location.
Kleenex, fire your marketing manager
Cruis'n USA
Thanksgiving pants
Let’s see you little punks smash my letterbox now
Baby boom!
Hidden funny everywhere!
Bought a label maker for this
Onward faithful steed!
Best design ever.
It’s about time finally
Make womb for daddy
The flood gates are open...
I still love you YouTube
The stars are aligning
Rare photo how a UPS truck is born
Take the shot
someone called this template shower thoughts for psychopaths so here you go
Haha this is basically me
If your lawyers pants look like this you going to jail.
Cardo B trash
Florida Man and the Cocaine fairy.
The school sistem sucks
The so long hold up.
A clever seal
If life gives you fire make smores
Be careful guys I almost fed my dog lava
Was fun building it
Turned 50 recently. This gift from my wife sums up the big event perfectly.
They love the slow ramp. Really gets their dicks hard...
Seems like the real idea
Batman: The beginning
Huh? Whose footprints are these?
Dollar Palace: Where you go when Wal Mart is too fancy for you.
You’ll bork too
Similar to how I like my women...
Solid advice right here ;)
The dog ate my homework....
Wilt Chamberlain, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andre The Giant
The hero we don't deserve
'Choose' your own adventure...
This is what it was made for
El mosco is my spirit animal
Less than 2 months left
My favorite so far
Bless this lift bro
Getting a cool tattoo
And the customer of the year award goes to...
I mean that's true