Couldn't make it to family Thanksgiving, had friendsgiving with friends stuck in town. Made this.

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Gaming 2019 in retrospect
Black Friday explained
just a little bit
If movies were realistic
maybe he can go to sniff island
Now on Disney +
Poor Conor McGregor, I saw him the other day and he asked me if a could give him a $20 for some Proper Twelve. Good luck to ya champ.
epic LOSER bear, weak arms, small hands
The first time in history it is caught on camera. Mercedes giving birth.
Staring into the abyss
geometric screaming
she's like Sid from ice age
As the girls in the house scramble around trying to leave the house.....
Umm Donkey?!
Rings in three tones. Loud, repeat, and howl.
And dad was gone to buy milk....
Please Stop ;(
eltiT gnitseretnI nA
No one cares, Jake
I am from Australia, and tbh at glance, the same thought crossed my mind.
This manager just doesn't care anymore
The truth about Black Friday
There’s no going back now.
Don't you remember me, Google?
Sports fans according to a non-sports fan.
I even hear it in his voice.
Drawing hands is hard...
1/3 Reich
relatable of course
It's grooving time
Posted by Pavlov’s dog?
The more i grew up, the more i realize this.
my corgi smiley pose
I love black Friday
cest nest pas une pipe
trust me.....its good
prepare your butt
Coolest pic today
Ellie Goulding Thanksgiving Halftime Show
Democracy is the best
Million $ invention !
When designing a shirt always consider the angle of the dangle
Seen in Petaluma, California.
Two types of people this time of year
Herding cats
My son was trying to make a “web shooting” hand. I’m proud and ashamed.
By Nathan W. Pyle. We all know this feeling
you are loved
Wild cat!
Black Friday Special!!!
Well, that was interesting.
Happy Danksgiving!
Every year my in-laws do a Thanksgiving potato peeling contest. Winner gets to keep the trophy till next year.
My family has a tradition of making ornaments out of polymer clay on Thanksgiving. Someone didn't buy the right brand this year...
This was my optometrists computer screen. Should I be concerned?
real eyes realize real lies
The Simpsons did it again
And finally. Who would you like to flip your burger for you?
Hard work deserves a shout out.
Canadian vandals strike again.
Who wants to play doctor?
*does ant things*
Children in 2050: can i have an inspirational picture from your youth
Happy Thanksgiving btw
Same mom different dad
Clearly Thanksgiving is going well
Can I have the tendies plzzz
Winter here. Upside of the earth
Stand Up For Science!
A perfect white elephant gift
First time for my sister in law cooking ... I think it’s a little bit too well done...
Am ant
We all got that one uncle
Naughty in the bedroom.
My pee pee when my wife says she wants to have sex
Experience the d
Who’s ready for Black Friday?
Never forget the Y2K scare
This woman is my spirit animal
Grinning statue with a plain faced man
Finally! A worth opponent! Our battle will be legendary!
hue hue hue
Stop kink shaming
Found this online and just saw a commercial for the new star wars movie. Made me laugh
Time for giving thanks!
Tisk tisk
no thanks given
At least we're gonna get fat together
Came home to this.
Yes this is
Yearly reminder!
Time to call doom guy