My wife’s aunt made a turkey for Thanksgiving, and I thought it looked familiar. I am now blocked for tagging her in this.

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Hanging out with tall handsome friends.
pay penance to the avarcious, do not take anything
My dog’s victory smile after beating me at tug-of-war with my bra. He’s very proud of himself.
nothing is safe from being lewded
Creating Supplement
[insert n-word of ageism here]
These high tech appliances never work properly
This really took me a while
soz for the bottom right
Fake it you must, till make it you will.
Its the tension of a deadline that makes it worthwhile
good advice nonetheless
All my friends are hohohos.
How the Dodos went extinct
For the Rebel bakers out there
Saw this while riding my bicycle
At least someone knew what they were doing
This Jalapeno has been training really hard.
Watching UP and suddenly...
On my way to work for mandatory overtime. Deciding which side to take...
I bought my dogs some new beds.
A young, fresh legend at work
McDonalds sign from Butte, MT, circa 2009
Hardcore Speedrunners
Ran out of wrapping paper.
I was doing some research for a final paper and well, this was news to me.
I mixed a gorilla with an ostrich for your amusement
Please don't judge me, I'm just a poor victim of a bad hangover
in 2006, Time really had such cover
They need to really look into this.....
i say go for the corn !
What the hell happened here
Introducing, my middle child . She found a dead squirrel and was super excited.
Kanye 2010’s
All I want is to be excited for Christmas
C is for clever
This man is living in the year 3005
The life of a train turner arounder
This is my first Christmas with cats
Ight imma head out
Saw this outside the first In-n-out in my city
Seen in the wild: a true survival pack. Period.
Neighbor’s response to HOA’s email about taking down Halloween decorations. Now it’s a Christmas decoration.
My cousin was asked to bring a potato dish to the family party...
St. Louis ain't on that bullshit.
Not even Wikipedia will leave me alone
I love spooning you
Gotta love that British humour.
maybe peace is an option?
Not easy for some people out there
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
Not exactly what you're supposed to do ...
Master Skywalker!!
Just in case you wondered what it would look like
Squeaky clean
Boomers hate her! She stopped Alduin with one simple trick.
Walmartians strike again
Doing whatever it takes to get a cybertruck.
I wouldn't say it's acute joke, but it's all right...
PlayStation 5
Bathroom at my local shopping center
Walked into this at work today,
A nice poem for mommy :3
the sequel
He likes his women as he likes his economy I guess
The acronyms might confuse people
Truer words....
Found this on my phone for somewhere.
16th century Japan it is
This harsh warning
Winnie the Poe approved
it'll be like this forever...
Trying out the new dating app Timbr
"Our Father in heaven, hollow point be thy name."
Current financial situation
Post is post. But is post REpost?
Laters ...
Skeptic George
Advanced Variation
Don’t believe everything you think
Are you sleeping through meals?
Some guys were looking for a furry friend. They received the best response ever.
Russian police arresting an australian tourist
ban porn
..say it with flowers
The Joker would like to know your location
My uncle loved to play dominoes with me
I wonder what his fatality would be
Public message, one man's revolt - hope this doesn't start a revolution though
You kinda feel for the guy sometimes.