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Tom Brady channeling his inner dwarf for yesterday’s game.
My friend’s Luke Skywalker toy happened to break in the perfect spot.
ego sum qui innocentes
THIS is why i CUT my dick OFF
Hot Wheels Cheech and Chong edition
but PEACE is no way to get REELECTED
Make it more orange!
Lens > House
WWJD? Probably my favorite bumper sticker I've seen.
That makes me uncomfortable
The holidays are rough on everyone
Today my friend ate a fortune cookie.
Jehova Witness final exam
World Class Game
Bought two bread loaves and a cat loaf
Time for some meta meming
First day of snow in my city, I look out and this is what I see.
Peak feminism
So many Stonetoss clones these days, it's hard to keep up with all of them
lord knows id nuke
What WW3 will really be about
thank you, Florida.
I don't want to set the world on fire~
ergo sum
What's going on?
Excuse me sir your tank is open!
low cost cosplay spider man
A squeagle! I love photoshop!
It took me a minute too
Oh he paid them back, alright
All the social media bs right now
He’s trying his darn best!
She thought she was gonna get an actual koala bear
Store owner said he no longer gets harassed by Jehovahs
What if god was one of us?
googled "netipot" today, was vry confused by this photo at first glance...
Was looking at Cards against Humanity reviews on Amazon and saw this....
Got a leaf blower for Xmas. But I like to pretend it's a futuristic railgun.
This infectious disease hospital having its windows decorated
Such a kind stranger
Wait officer.
Oreo lovers
no scope
Rosa Parks can’t get a break with those buses
Amazon sells these little pink stickers. Who says money can’t buy happiness?!
And it will take 4 times shorter to get from nukes to nuclear-powered sexdolls that can kill you
Literally every "Twitter-Terminator"
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New Austin Powers movie poster
WW2 flashbacks
Beats me.
I went to pet him. I guess he just wasn’t in the mood.
No Aussies Here!
Aussie Vamps
Sarah’s Scribbles 2020 calendar out here predicting the future.
Top 10 saddest anime deaths
When my cat walks on my keyboard
vibe check incoming
cant wait
Arnold's unique sense of style.
Beer Math
Experience is the most valuable kind of knowledge
I have newfound patriotism in my small crap country for staying away from war (*touch wood*)
I mixed a cat with a moth for your amusement
Coming to theaters
You wanted it, you got it, but you don't want it now.
WW3 safety guide issue 01
Win by forfeit is still a win
Warning on the manual of my laser engraver
Sounds familiar?
Will it affect it tho?
That backfired quickly...
The pasta better cook itself..
Gloria you know I’m straight!
2020s gonna be lit
Darn it
sneak attack
hihi sexism hihi
Snoop Catt
If we all had a bong, we’d all get along
The humans weren't worth eating, fugured they'd mess my digestive system up not to mention the bad taste. Better to spit them out
all bets are open
Go see cats, in theaters now.
Took us just 4 years!
The power stance
brave boy points
Third times the charm.
Feeling Motivated
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