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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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I speak for those people, me included, who aren’t panic hoarding TP and would like to purchase our regular amount. We are running low.
Timmy and Mr.Croccoli
I had to cut down a tree in my yard and now I feel bad
Short person problem or stepsister problem?
Aww ...
Hard R coming soon
Can’t unsee it
it could have been the funniest shit ever
Public panic with a sensible side
i got it back in 2008 by paypaling Notch 7 bucks
Cat revenge
Kemal was gai
The handprints are amazing
Joe Bunny!!
lowkey straight
Now I can't touch my face.
Well, how the turntables
Soviet Union got the leftovers
Safari is shit browser
That user deserves their own achievement for that post
They don't want you to know this
Murray chasing joker
Someone in my hometown was sick of people's shit!
Kill'em all
Right in the bubble hole.
True to the comic
What about slinky?
I photoshopped a Parrot into a Cheeto because why not?
Because dog is worthy everything
Finally found out what the little pouch is for if you wear a kilt.
Personally modded for your visual pleasure. Enjoy.
This boy is too pure for this world
Over 20 years old cartoon, more relevant than ever
A Socking Discovery
If they go under 30km/h it doesn't count . . .
My lunch is very chewy
The importance of posture
Hello car
very yes.
never miss a nail again
like pickles in the rain
My all time favorite picture of my daughter!
I photoshopped a sparrow and a hamster
My history teacher's water bottle reads "Tears Of My Students"
An unreleased classic Disney recently pulled from their vaults.
Spread this around, it only counts if you have proof
same height party
I don’t even know
Happy holidays.
Meanwhile in Seattle Costco..
*Shits on the floor*
Hygiene is important...
If Linguini and Remy had a baby..... onward!
Have a nice day, sir.
I always suspected something
Have kids they will be fun they said
They had me in the first half
Midwesterns vs southerns
A gunfight
I've been waiting my whole life for a sign like this.
11/10 would pet
I've learned some things
This amoeba I saw through the microscope
Doggo doesn't care
The empire strikes back
Daylight “savings”.
These storage bags for kids someone in my community is selling
But what about the war?
The invisble man
day 62 of my insane promise to draw a grumpy animal every day please send hugs
The market for hand sanitizer is heating up.
It's my business to know what other people don't know
I don’t remember where I found this picture, but it needs to be seen.
I gotta try that
Brendon Furrie
You may ask yourself
Heroes we need
Shrek 1 complete movie
Best Scene in Episode 3
Why am i still alive
They said I can become anything...
Run before it's too late
It was beautiful out today
Grown ass baby
My brother went to Australia and sent me a picture from there.
Liar. Liar, pants on fire
Everyone needs a break from this site sometimes
We Dystopia now boys
good ol'days
No paw for caution