Sorry if this was already posted, but I stumbled upon it and thought it was fitting.

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Rip and tear through trash
Broke problems
sHapE dOEs ChANge tHe taStE
when in Rome
This guy was a visionary
finally, a way of serving our country we can all get behind
The Local Chinese restaurant has a sense of humor
There is "art" of that.
Looks like it's time for some drama
That one white guy that lives in the roughest hood who is cool with all the gangbangers, skinheads and drug dealers
Live look at the USA right now
He is happy now
Time to finish the game people...
It's all comin together
you : alive
That good?
Ah yes, first day working from home.
My dragon with his hoard of treasure
Me when I think about any interaction I had with a girl:
Good bois gonna live a long life!
bland soup time
Run, run away
Handy Information
Religious album titles
Too soon? Naah... perfect gift for your favorite hoarder!
The cure!
Just let them melt in your mouth lmao
This guy in Italy wearing a 1m radial disc to avoid contact with people
After spending 1 hour in the Hot Springs Lake, Canada. Even the winter temperature of the source is 36-42 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of the surrounding air can drop to -30 to -40 Celcius.
I wasn't worried about Corona virus until I saw Rambo wearing gloves
Updated Tokyo Olympic Games logo
Asking direction like a pro
Special package throwing classes
Bidet gang!!!!!!
You're only as scared as you allow yourself to be...
twas funny in the beginning tho
That moist dirt is under rated.
Facts v2.0
corona is taking half life
Well, that didn't take long! Don't mess with our hockey, eh!?
I was worried my car would be broken into for having such a high value item in there. Made sure to cover it up.
Chuck Norris FTW
he screams, for he is Zuko
forbidden know
ahead of the curve
Best part of coronavirus is incredible content like this
gg ez
The toilet paper shortage is bringing out the entrepreneurial spirit in my city
This fight is gonna be awesome
Haven't you people ever heard of washing your God damned hands?
Zeus Life Hack #42
If toilet paper becomes the new form of currency, we gotta figure out this math.
A silver lining.
Same feeling when I check on my reputation
...And wait for all this to blow over!
Worth a shot, right?
Pro-tip: if you are low on toilet paper, go to CVS and buy a pack of bubble gum.
As someone in the US who was recently laid-off
Westminster Bridge at an inappropriate time in the morning
It's that time again, everyone! Do your part!
Lock down begins. Then I realised I'm home alone
This billboard sign
Trying to reach my FB friends the only way I know how...
some excellent, timely advice from Panda Express.
This is my grandma. She just turned 93. She told me she built planes during WW2, so she’s earned her street cred. 13/10 would win in a street fight.
If he blinks, he's a dead man
Saw this today while grabbing some supplies.
Cheems destroy
Thin em out
pretty touchy actually
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky...
No kink shaming
Sorry folks
*slurp slurp*
Imma Head Out
Are those... instructions?
We have a winner
The last time the NBA was canceled due to a serious virus was in 1996
Corona virus has people going nuts. The lady in front of me at the store is panic buying 10 cases of water
Tanz du Schweinhund!
To some of us, COVID-19 can be seen as a blessing in disguise.
What is really happening in 2020
Only the Truth
I liked her, too
I just made you save a lot of money
Whoever started this game at the beginning of 2020 Please finish it quickly!
Just some average Costco shoppers in 2020