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Hugelols Minister of OC
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To some of us, COVID-19 can be seen as a blessing in disguise.
What is really happening in 2020
Only the Truth
I liked her, too
I just made you save a lot of money
Whoever started this game at the beginning of 2020 Please finish it quickly!
Just some average Costco shoppers in 2020
Bruce Li
Mark as Mature (?)
Lonely man and his angry cat
It's free real estate
Internet dialectics
Watching bacon cook
Nothing personal
Cats gravitate to like minds.
It’s worldwide
Some pilot humor
Turn it off!!
Problem solved, thank me later
The hero we need right now
No son
"its not a cult" -member of the cult
Hey boss, I'm not gonna make it in for a couple weeks...
China=pay to win
Who's gettin' the L now?
Fus Du Sha
Even dirtiest of dive bars are updating their cleanliness policies
Someone placing random hand sanitizer station around in public places.
Always put the blame other than on your fat self
yea boi
Corona Friendly.
Things that never happened for 400, Alex.
Joker evolution
Took kids to Children’s Museum. My five month old fell asleep before we got there but we didn’t let that stop her from having a BLAST
Lonelyman and his Pocky
When you see Kablaam on Fresh
Who else remembers these things ?
I hope he will be okay
Straps sold separately
imperial ***s
Wahaha [OC]
Please identify yourself
This is for you my quarantined friends
enemy intelligence
Yet another reason.
too bad my milk's fuϲkin HARD
my man
I think I'm dead
Finally. Free karma
The only appropriate action these days
Everyone chill out
We got a winner
whitebones graduation photo
Had to make a little improvement to my office’s ‘wash your hands’ sign
Bananas also share DNA with dogs...
Italy too
That’s how you do it
If you need Toilet paper let me kmow
Meanwhile, at The Rat & Bat tavern
Great example of grabbing the opportunity but at what cost?
The cleaning supplies vs toilet paper aisles
I'll post non threatening things from now on for all you special snowflakes
there is no legitimate state of israel
No U contest illustrated
I'm going on an adventure
CEOs Of Hand Sanitizer Companies Right Now
The midwestern United States right now
14 days in isolation is nothing for Tom Hanks
Rudy Gobert for defensive player of the year? He shut down the whole league with one play.
"Sir, the e-girl has posted the DMs you sent her."
The new currency
day 65 of my irresponsible urge to draw a grumpy animal every single day
Living the monk life.
i'm gay now
Going to the supermarket wish me luck
Only fair
This stockpiling toilet paper is getting out of hand.
*hides corpses under the commonwealth*
Anons know
I’m just posting this, because I need as many people as possible to see this absolute gem of a book I noticed at a store
my new hand sanitizer dispenser for my desk
The Scots know what's up
Boomers pulling one last trick on us
Every introvert right now
Hardcore Machinery
Happy Wednesday.
Plenty of water at my local Costco.
The hubris of mankind