Because in a pandemic, everyone is honest about how they don’t actually believe any of Toms products work.

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People right now..
A letter from my daughter
Another upstanding business in my dad's model train town...
Secret architect
This pet store names all of the fish they have for sale
More fun than...Found on Facebook
My dad is a model train hobbyist. The town he built for his trains has some interesting residents...
Behind the scenes photo of the 'Nyan Cat' taking a break.
This should totally work
Tennis man take me by the hand
Oh, how the tables have turned
War TP
Oh yeah im Charmin clean
The world isn’t SO desperate that we need to start eating broccoli & kale “pizza crust”
BREAKING For the first time in 40 years, #Fridaythe13th has been cancelled amid growing health and safety concerns. Jason Voorhees was unavailable for comment after a brief but silent statement.
Drink up my friends! I already a few in, so catch up!
Oh hell... I touched my face....
Had to ask...
This sub is going downhill.
They're not knows for their smarts
This is the end
This is definitely punny
I’m on my last roll
Saw this on the train today.. best baby cover thingy I saw yet especially with the corona virus scare
My girlfriend just told me "Come here! The toilets smoking!!"
I want to meet whoever owns this dog!
A decision was made here.....
Janet, I regret nothing!
Dwight got what he wanted...
How did we end up here...
Now that's Branding
Safe Patrick vs. the Virus
Bois have it hard... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He is always there
Magic Word
we're safe
Could I get a signature please?
Happy Friday the 13th - you trust your doggo?
Battle at CostCo. Around 2020 AD.
I've been training my whole life for this.
In case you run out of TP you might want to try the "Alabama bidet"
Real engineer
This tree frog bird I photoshopped.
haha windows are bulletproof
Hooray! Awwwww....
Home at last...
They put me in charge of the recycling in my building
Well can’t wait for 9 months from now
Toilet paper companies right now
Mother in law gave me these stickers. Took them to work.
I have nothing to contribute
Clean And Shiny
Pornhub and NordVPN to the rescue
Corona nurse
Meat Grinder
Make sure to wash your hands
I'm gonna be rich!
spring/summer 2020 fashion
No wait I don't think I will
The heroes the world needs right now
At least you know now...
There are 2 types of people in the world.
Sorry if this was already posted, but I stumbled upon it and thought it was fitting.
Rip and tear through trash
Broke problems
sHapE dOEs ChANge tHe taStE
when in Rome
This guy was a visionary
finally, a way of serving our country we can all get behind
The Local Chinese restaurant has a sense of humor
There is "art" of that.
Looks like it's time for some drama
That one white guy that lives in the roughest hood who is cool with all the gangbangers, skinheads and drug dealers
Live look at the USA right now
He is happy now
Time to finish the game people...
It's all comin together
you : alive
That good?
Ah yes, first day working from home.
My dragon with his hoard of treasure
Me when I think about any interaction I had with a girl:
Good bois gonna live a long life!
bland soup time
Run, run away
Handy Information
Religious album titles
Too soon? Naah... perfect gift for your favorite hoarder!
The cure!