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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Sharing this picture of a happy doggo. Stay positive, everyone!
Calling Out
A timeline
JoJo fans be like
I'll never be able to watch those commercials again.
My dad found a very appropriate card for my cousin’s birthday today
New advice for all bowlers
Irish pubs locked down
My town is taking the one per person policy seriously
Whoa laughing at my costume now?
DROWNING in low self esteem
"But this time it's gonna be different"...
I lied
Where's Waldo? Coronavirus edition
Ladies After the Quarantine
COVID-19 is the devil
This would have saved me from so much awkwardness.
boomers right?!?
And so it began...
the real little boy and fat man
O w O
I’m starting to think my dog Izzy might be behind this massive stay at home movement...
From fertile soil
Shit is getting wild.
Photographer sent us our engagement photos yesterday. Here’s our favourite!
Inspiring Self Portrait
Upside of the pandemic: A new type of visit with my in-laws I can really get on board with
Gentlemen, it was a privilege playing with you tonight
The dark side of swinging on trees
Checked three supermarkets yesterday and couldn’t find toilet paper
First comic be nice
Smh smh
As a Costco employee, this week has been something else
Gym life!
Two Zero Two Four
This might be some of us during quarantine
Possibly the best thing to have come out of the outbreak!
Nothing wrong with young guys dating older women, but please don't dig them up.
Get me a case!!
morally questionable post
Almost everywhere in Europe
Makes sense hey
paper stranding
Sounds about right :’)
Future is clean
What a dumb ass.
It's mother ***ing good
Experts recommend keeping your daily rituals even while working from home
family traditions
I have the high ground!
Count me out.
Two's a crowd in isolation
Everyone after the quarantine
dating profiles during a quarantine
2020 wedding season
I didn’t create this one but my feelings exactly lol
Police Officers working from home
Stay safe folks
My COVID-19 doodle
It's my time to shine.
not interested
Rate my cosplay plz
Gary Larson is always relevant
“Safe inside my circle,” spotted on Jacksonville Beach
3 years old?
Everyone soon enough
“It’s so big...”
Why would she need that?
Stay safe from the coronavirus
you know it's biblical when
Oh God, no! Jehova's Witnesses! Hide! Tell them your parents aren't home!
Typical Italians..
Late submission for pi-day because it took forever to find everything
Commandments for bad drivers
Space be Corona free
Expectation Failure
Golden advice
Babies first pandemic
Redbum Redbum.
My state’s current position on Coronavirus.
I was reminded of this twisted comic today when talking about High School
His name is Thor. The dog that looks like Chris Hemsworth.
Time to ponder
Everyone was panic buying spaghetti. I was wondering while only one brand was left
Held my breath as I passed this door
This stupid thing took way longer than expected without any programs or a tablet.
Saw this during my target run today...
True af story.