For those of you who are totally off schedule this is just a reminder that it’s currently Thursday...carry on

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Pizza place in my town is known for being stoners, this was their sign today.
Nice dress you have there
This isn't how pie charts work...
Day 23 of quarantine - seeing what household appliances look like in different positions...
Are we cool?
I was there when I stole it
My birthday was yesterday but I'm also under quarantine. Decided to throw a birthday party for myself, with myself.
Britain Right Now
Glad I'm not essential
Remember when you could go outside on a wednesday my dudes?
Brennan Huff tellin it how it is
This guy put a wig on his dog to scare his neighbors
This week has been one hell of a year
Prepared so the kids don’t fight
feet niggas rise up
Cry in Dlc
These food shortages are getting crazy
Plans for 2020
Chalk art done right
There will be coughing
Gonna be a Doctor one day
I have a bad back
Man With Mask
We hongry
Two police cars managed to crash into each other in the currently empty streets of Milan
Sit ups vs squats
My travel plans for the next few weeks!
It should take 20 seconds.
Shout out to all the folks in IT who are low key being heroes behind the scenes to make sure hospitals, emergency services, unemployment websites, & porn archives all stay up & running.
I modified an old Superman comic to make his heroism a bit more contemporary
Anon finally makes sense of it
Keep it polished!
And the lie detector says....
Summing up the first quarter of 2020.
How to get your kids to stay at home during the lock down.
necroposting is still posting
sing the pain away
Chugging the World
The new and improved weather forecasting system
Every introverts dream come true
Everyone doing their part
This is even more obvious during the quarantine...
movie magic
Bloody Legend
Protect him
Their hero name would be Cute Jackman
Live in a thin walled condo. My neighbors doing renovations while I am just trying to sleep through lockdown.
may I offer you advise in this trying times?
Hearing about all the people not taking COVID-19 seriously always makes me think of this scene.
3rd Reich skills
Essential coming through here
Week two of’s your tiny house now MF?!
That’s what I call PROFIT
Not cursed enough probably belongs here
Just A Chill Thing
Only 90s kids will remember this Coronavirus toy.
Might be on to something...
My “Kiss me I’m Irish” cookie didn’t turn out as well as I would have liked
making room for a starter..
Cellular carriers should use the outbreak map to install more towers in heavily populated areas
Good to know it’s backed by a credible source.
My professor figured out how to add a custom background in Zoom
I'll allow it.
grand prize
Grandma, keeping it real in these dark times.
30 virginities is worth 1 wizard
You guys like isreal posts right?
b!itch giving me a circumcision
Body paint makes you thicc
"all women are queens"
Maybe I shouldn’t have outsourced my homeschooling...
The immortal queen
Ok, guys, this time its different.
Let's remember who showed their true patriotic colors after the crisis.
My general condition while working from home under quarantine.
What's your guy's rank?
"Hold my weener"
Fair Enough
This is all to real.
Face mask would help
This guy who was drunk as f*ck tried to shazam in the silent disco
Together we can win!