Goose is yelling to his friend about what bullshit it is to have to move during a pandemic.

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My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
His teeth practice social distancing
country women make do
My dad is a cartoonist for fun, but never shares his work because he isn’t up with technology. Thought I’d share his latest one that only my mom and I have seen
Told my wife I'd work on some home improvement projects during quarantine
I prototype unnecessary product ideas, these are the Transpri-Pockets, always have the full picture at what your pockets are packin’.
How are you keeping sane during quarantine?
6ft now and forever
How the T. rex really went extinct.
And it infects millions!
Chinese corona "healing" chambers be like
Well boys, we are winning
I do have a grill and barbeque sauce....
COVID drip.
Birds and the bees
Local strip club is finally clothed.
Took me all afternoon but I regret nothing!
Fossilized warning from Dad, the T-REX.
Skipping class
Rip in f
Only 2010s kids will remember this
kek lifestyle
We are the virus
Teach me your dark powers or else!
Kiss me through the phone, homie </3
We live in the best possible timeline
Finally some useful statistics
At least he didn't fúck a chimpanzee
Dude, are you frickin serious?
The anticipation is what keeps me going
My three best friends decided to throw me a surprise birthday party during the quarantine. Thank you Penny, Chip, and Used Napkin!
Covidiot - as seen in Edinburgh
Meet Frank. He comes each day, checks in and watches the morning news. My dachshund considers him a friend now, doesn't even bark anymore.
Shirt found in a shop in Tokyo
I'm waiting for the tits
The pinnacle of the US Healthcare system. This will cost you 65536 dollars
very relatable
Or maybe it's a suicide attempt
Say your prayers and eat your vitamins
Half funny
Day 15 of no daycare and working from home. #HealthcareWorker’sPartner
I was always a fan of fine art.
They know because they've seen
Prepare for condom shortage
Ffs Susan!
Keith Richards is also alive btw
jail the lolicons
Ya get what ya deserve!
This pandemic with its panic buying, Bondi beach parties, and insta-idiots licking toilet seats and supermarket shelves is giving weight to this theory
An amazing way to keep your children occupied during these times...I present to you Rock Cleaning!
I've been called worse.
Let's fight for bill posters!
The dreaded moment of realization
too relatable
Easter is coming!
This is incredible ❤️ !!
The current state of 2020
Coming out of the house after the lockdown.
Strange dog
Sorry about the friendth
This club has EVERYTHING
Finally, it's here
Snarf snarf
The sign at my friends house gave me a chuckle
If 2020 was a car...
Carol did it
Wu-Tang Flan
This book aged well
Rolls since quarantine
Kids playing with water hose during Coast Guard demonstration
Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed.
"I don't like having all these people always around me - normally they leave during the day"
I think quarantining may have made my girlfriend clingy
Covid cut.
Well, it's still a win, right?
Giant panther attacks helpless baby croc
The rule of law...
I don't know how long we will survive this
Oh the PAIN!
Not sure if I should be proud or concerned. My daughter said “He’s got the RONA!!!” And started making him a coffin.
Is there a pandemic?
I think I'll let myself out now.
Better don’t cough in public
America first
Love my FBI guy <3
The intended use of a slim Jim
This seems like a trap.
The new GTA game looks wild, and exotic
Heavy breathing (hopefully not from his partner)
Where my girls at?