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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Sheepdog working from home...
My virtual background for all Zoom meetings
Had a competition to see how many spiky balls they could collect. Parenting win.
I found the holy grail of "I forgot my phone" while taking a dump
I finally have time for all those book recs
Just doing her job
About time ...
Tomorrow it will be all over :)
Condoms are for fúckin pussies
He's a hero not a monster
we really DO live in a society
I needed the support..
At least they were no danger to the elderly
A role model for everyone today
Truth telling Dino
Maintaining a great working relationship..
Gentlemen’s Club in my hometown for the COVID Sign win.
This might be the greatest restaurant slogan ever created
No movie quote has been more true in my life.
Oh no
Social Distancing drinking games in the wild
Kool aid man strikes again
Should have learnt english
Stingray in it's natural habitat
the duality of dog
Now thats a caring Dad!
It's safe as long as it doesn't speak Vietnamese
My tattoo guy said " that's not a tattoo you copy, it's a tattoo you earn."
We gonna know tomorrow
Damned commie.
Learning about nature with SrGrafo
"It's not music, it's a lifestyle"
Random acts of kindness can go a long way.
How to deal with bullies 101
We're all reaching that point
Bye Diana
Feel old yet?
Doggo vs. Catto About This Whole Hooman at Home Thing
Outside my sister's apartment
94 meetings today
Nothing wrong in here
Important reminder.
pls stahp
getting dabbed on as you bleed out
Things have changed...
Quarantined South African family going on safari
Home party in a lockdown
The telework transformation
Quarantine Day 14. I now consider myself a chef. Gordon Ramsay is shaking.
An essential title.
Car sales right now
Found this in my neighborhood today
I need one of these.
She didn’t want to take her pill.
if you knew you would succumb to insanity
Because of quarantine, the Northern Sea cleared and the Vikings started to return to it
Shut the door.
Cats are the rules
COvid-19 cautions.
Something to think about!!!
Oh how the turn tables
My best friend is bored and this quarantine is getting to her. She just sent me this.
Boy-toys from Athene
Never click on it
I like SMBC for accurate human behavior
Someone vandalized the statues in my home town.
Hello there
Toss 65536 coins to your dentist and floss regularly!
Seemed so long ago
haha wedny.
Equality, bítch!
Adding a full set of teeth to a baby photo is... unsettling
All is well
who'd win
who'd win
We need this right now.
brains bra
Science stuff
Jwack uWu
point and laugh
It's very true
My Boss turned herself into a potato in our Microsoft Teams meeting and couldn’t figure out how to turn it off so she was just stuck like this for the entire meeting.
Valve playing themselves
Winrar is the virus
Unless you report people on hugellol
How the turntables [OC]
That is one hell of a dog.
Give American Tigers Again