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Hugelols Minister of OC
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Fatherhood is obsolete
Crossing the line
Deznal was right all along
Carol Baskin Robbins
Our local theater has a sense of humor. :-)
Elephants before dinosaurs
My cousin making light of the current situation
It seems the delivery guy and I completely disagree.
A rebrand is in order
My County Visitors Bureau posted these road signs around the area
Dank reality during pandemic
I think the quarantine is getting to my cat.
Or on HL :^)
while some of us enjoy the time off others that still have to work find ways to express themselves.
O h. N o.
Yankee with no brim
When everything goes back to normal after COVID-19.
You are not alone in quarantine days.
The pigeon gets it
Protesters trying to get states to reopen
Found this 10 year old postcard in my stuff
wheres the lie?
Quarantine Accurate Children's Book
Also loaded
Someone in my town is not happy
Six trillion shuffle
They need a democracy
let's hope there's women and minorities to beat up there
This is both amazingly and tragically true.
Brainyrs and Baghdaddy be like
we shall all suffer
Avoiding that $1000 fine.
That's Illegal
hoomans: it's rewind time
oh my
For some this is new, but others have been here before.
Mankind is not ready for RTX
My math teacher sent this to me on google classroom
My daughter's solution to keep her goat from escaping
Wear a mask everyone.
Sharing is caring
What other lies have I been told by the council?
If we were living in 2265...
On this episode of: Nihilist or Centrist
This game advertises its lack of awards
soon the rollercoaster will be operational again
Well that is ironic
Tell your dog I said..
Couldn't you turn it Kerosine to last longer?
Thyme Machine
*happy music in the background*
Venus Trap
Glorious American soda, processed 1000 times
'Rona Part 2
Ah crap..
my local superstore has had enough
Well... this happened
play time
Weed lasagna
I keep reading this and still confused
The US right now
Due to less pollution... OMG
My dad said he found some cute baby pictures of me and handed me these
This made me giggle for an unreasonably long time
4 Nikio
the best reference to explain my chats
Homaan . Help !
Stay safe folks
Don't know the artist
Instagram model
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Lockdown week 5. The herbs are no longer mixed.
How do I upload?
Yo hold up
I forgot to remember forgetting
Eye of the beholder
Three weeks after buying the animal-proof garbage can, the uprising begins...
The king has come
Someone let me post this
My girlfriend and a group of her friends decided to order a $150 rug as a birthday gift for a friend. The rug arrived today, and it seems no one bothered to check the size...
Love a good pause moment
I'm sorry about this
The wife sent me this one today. I have to admit, it made me chuckle.
I bought a new chair.