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An oldfag who was banned twice in the great purge
I will archive posts till A) I run out of memory on my computer Or B) I have defeated the reposters

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Today I decided to bake myself a nice big loaf of BREABWUALABLEUHAEUA
The forbidden trick!
Placebo in a nutshell
Word problems
Let him sniff your hand bro
When the jaws open wide there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray
A couple of banditos after my quesadillas
Preach brother
You don’t know what you don’t know you don’t know
Getting things done today
I feel worse and better at the same time
Massage pass denied
Leaving quarantine
The Christian Universal Ministry basketball team could’ve put a little more thought into their jersey design
That's why I said it on Twitter
It Works, and NOBODY can tell
Met the legend himself today
Touch less delivery feedback
Pepsi "Light" anyone..
Insubordinate and churlish
Spotted in Nuremberg Germany
Oh you *giggles*
Do y'all still take monke posts?
Requirement for a Job
It's time to stop
I've already sent every other nerd into the Shadow-realm
The Wise One
Interaction between Paul Felder and a Fight Fan.
I'd still take it though
Can confirm, rat penis gang
Very Woody
Lilac & Gooseberries
U fu̸cking wU do u want some fweedoms?
These posts that are right next to each other. Made me laugh at least.
I’d buy a jersey
that was rude
I thought you guys were kidding
It's all I see now
This is the real struggle.
On today's unboxing
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Do you know Maya Hee?
From a local bar in Boise. The bars in the city were open for only a couple of weeks before our case count surged and we had to shit things down again.
Baldies Beware
Probably reposted 1 million time but still one of my favorites
Now this is hilarious
2020 hasn’t stopped surprising me yet
Better With Subtitles
I feel like it´s pretty accurate :)
They think they can live in our houses for free??!
The pandemic has affected us all.
I’m a music!
Relevant to the 12k Covid cases Florida had yesterday.
Roses are red, kids don't like to behave
I can't breef
Last Christmas a stranger sent me the card on the left. This new year I got the one in the right.Thank you anonymous sender!!!
My wife, ladies and gentlemen, spontaneously asking me which melon I like best.
It was either that or Xi Jinping
Whoever made this, you are a true artist
How you really impress my generation!
Gen Z humor
Interesting way of powering your house
Lurkers, you could stand to post something at least one in a while
My grandmother found a lanyard for her keys.
Goddamn Garfield
Park it in the coçkpit
All sold separately
Pizza time
This got a chuckle out of me.
Ah crap, Florida gators getting smart
The instructions on my new doormat
damn right im voting Jo Jo breh
My sister just set up Hulu at my parents' new place.
Put in and wink
can't think of a title .
Pop art of the top part of a pop tart
My brother has discovered that his swim shirt holds air
tattoo face swap
Dat wass veri phoonie
LA was insane
This 5 INCH deep water feature has a NO SWIMMING sign posted
Title is too long
anytime I pass a tree
Confusion intensifies
Mural in India
Pls no
How the rest of the world views the USA today
That's fair
I told my husband his tyres had been slashed