Heard a weird crunching in our tent while camping, look over to find my cousin enjoying an ear of corn very intoxicated

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maybe I don't wanna be an edgelord anymore
Canada ran out of street names.
Who at Kellogg's thought "Blue Waffles" was a good idea?
I see 3 normal dogs!
Ah yes, Stupid Nurse
Breaking bad: Swedish edition.
Omggg stahpppp
Behold, the top-hat snek
Didn’t expect that not did you
Those were games!
Lovely strokes, elegant curvature, good texture work...
“If I fits, I sits.”
I have several questions...
My 9 week old puppy already mastered the awkward school picture smile.
My son made a wishlist on Amazon, and my mom bought him everything on it without telling either of us. The package arrived today.
Mexican bears!
Somebody put a weekend at Bernies cardboard cutout in the stands of a baseball game, I love it.
Can I offer you a Corgi in these trying times?
I was in the McDonald's drive thru and caught this gem.
Where are their legs??
pay taxes your dirty libertarians
Hand sanitizer found at my chiropractor's office.
My cat looks like he's seen some shit
I married a monster...
this is how brehs become multicultural
Deja Vu
American uniform suits Yuri very much
Went to the Shanghai Natural History Museum Today. I Think the Taxidermist Was Out Sick on Lion Day
Don't Dead, Open Inside.
I won’t be putting ‘my daddy is a giant’ at the front of the book pile.
you can NOT have red SAUCE, enjoy your burgar DRY
He Could Save Others From Death But Not Himself
Monster Desires
b r e h
just had to post it
high on your own brehs
why not step outside for a bit?
We all been there nothing to be ashamed of
nyooooooooooom vrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrrzrzrz
Must be a dude playing another dude!
>go to bed at 4am because you woke up early and it was hard
We asked him to take a picture of my wife and I in front of the red bow in Vienna. This is what we found among other pictures when we got back home.
If online ads were more honest.
It this-
Russian Attack Helicopter
Wait it’s all the same game?
secrets revealed
Savage popsicle joke
You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
jesus is king breh
Caution sign from a Indian tiger reserve.
Justice served!
Things I'm not
and HARDER too !
Our economy is based on a mutual lie
I just know it's going to happen
I didnt have a Gameboy as a kid
How to sleep cutely
healthy sleeping habits are a key part of being a grown breh
Wait is that...?
Someone dressed as deadpool for a photo shoot with Caesar the no drama llama
I'm a chick, and I approve this message
אתה הומו
If you ever feel useless, this is the lifeguard at the swimming Olympics
Haley Joel Osment has turned into Al Borland. Just needs a flannel shirt.
Meanwhile inside your fridge..
Winter's coming
Learning new words!
This is just going to double the homeless problem!
Love me some Brian Fontana.
If it’s not supposed to work, it shouldn’t fit!
The Kingdom of Genovia has had no reported cases of COVID-19. This is what TRUE leasership looks like:
What to wear...
Thea bath for thupper
Found this at the pet store
The bells of the apocalypse...
A lot of stereotypes of my country; The Netherlands
Netflix adaptation
I’m on the way to save 2020.
ara ara
Take a gander at this
THe art of the deal
Pls end me
They say roads have changed their course as well