If you ever feel useless, this is the lifeguard at the swimming Olympics

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/676392
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Haley Joel Osment has turned into Al Borland. Just needs a flannel shirt.
Meanwhile inside your fridge..
Winter's coming
Learning new words!
This is just going to double the homeless problem!
Love me some Brian Fontana.
If it’s not supposed to work, it shouldn’t fit!
The Kingdom of Genovia has had no reported cases of COVID-19. This is what TRUE leasership looks like:
What to wear...
Thea bath for thupper
Found this at the pet store
The bells of the apocalypse...
A lot of stereotypes of my country; The Netherlands
Netflix adaptation
I’m on the way to save 2020.
ara ara
Take a gander at this
THe art of the deal
Pls end me
They say roads have changed their course as well
Its not ,believe him
New product at the grocery store!
Learn not to be a hoe and you could keep them
Discord be like
The Sixth Sense
Look out! here coms the Spider-Maaan! ♫
oh my
A friendly PSA during these challenging times
*** you math
poland is a desolate shi...
A fighter jet pilot on a vacation
In 2020.
A LOT of shit
A friend told me I look like the illegitimate lovechild of Borat, Phil Lynott, and Frank Zappa. 15 minutes later, I got sent this.
Homer visit today
Yaroslav on tinder
Baby crap
A meatier shower
actually a pen is enough
Yeah, I'm a furacist, so what?
I was once a graphics designer
It could still be them
Just cheking
Such is the Czech way
Gotta love the 80s
As a good citizen, i do what traffic signs tell me to
Sorry I’m hungry
Commit vehicular manslaughter i must
I artfully arrange our fruit at night for my wife to find in the morning.
What's your covenant?
Add pinhead Larry and you've got the Holy trinity
What at you laughing at?
Imagine you're on a call and the delivery man arrives
Looks like they would rather be left alone
I moved and woke him up. That look has me kinda nervous
I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing and I’m drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Puns are no fun it seems
I work as an HVAC tech and this creepy little f*ck is the first thing I see after climbing into a homeowners attic.
I don't even wonder why this ad is in my feed.
Sashimi rollin, they hating...
gotta use the bathroom
You might think he is a troll but this is a meme from the future.
*Not included
Don't create children if you can't create yourself -huMAN
My neighbor has this in his garage and I don’t know why. I’m scared.
Just waiting for 2020 to be over.
Paprika faces
Mask notice at a local store.
Real is the struggle
My therapist recommended I maintain a more positive body image
A beautiful mockingbird
My cat got super scared by our visitors and hid in the bathtub
Small brain
Drove Past This Hard Working Guy
It be like that
Unsolicited Advice
Not gonna miss it
Abbey Road 2020
My new sim card got delivered. At least now i know what this is called
People leaves, butt memories stay.
She's actually a 500 year old dragon
Even these cats are taking social distancing seriously
My Boss Gets It
I only believe in natural remedies...
My favorite color is red, like the blood shed, from kurt cobains head when he shot himself dead
An old Yiddish joke my father in law told me