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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
Poster of the Month

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It’s almost worth the stomach pain
Kitty brings gifts
I think Google is trying to sabotage my marriage with its auto-reply suggestions
Sat down to watch some Netflix - the bloody kids 'Rickrolled' me.
Same :/
My sister got married over the weekend, so we recreated this gem from our childhood.
Robots should know their place!
gonna need more barrels
Typical lurker
Next 2020 disaster
Have fun girl!
Always be prepared...
Helpless chihuahua got high on mushrooms.
the power of brehship beats both tho
Is this the same phone?
Early this morning
Work-Life Balance
Big Mouth
not cool breh u made me sad :(
Apparently they don't wear masks properly either.
*happy methhead noises*
Confidence? I think not!
I have discovered the origin of Big Bird
by Xi Jinping's infinite wisdom
Three months is a long time
Thank you guys I love all of you
Clearly the number 2.
Jeff ***ed up there.
Be responsible!
A good way to make friends in prison
Played a joke on my roommate but he hasn’t noticed. It’s now day 19. How long before I should tell him?
Next time I play the game, all Im going to see are toes.
Don’t do that again
My daughter's drawing of me
How can we harm you today?
Even Groot has a Girlfriend
Toddlers and Gremlins
....bro I feel it!
Found in Cedar Springs California, Guess it's time to actually turn it over
A picture worth a thousand words.
When my kid says mom for the 637th time..
Pizza and chill combo
Ahh yess
Family Feuds in 'Murica vs. England
My new veterinarian and I will get along great
And pandawhales instead of orca smh
What are you watching , Step-tourists?
Cute boy
Im childish i found this amusing
I bought my best friend l, who is insanely uncoordinated roller skates for her 40th birthday. This was her thank you card.
When NASA replied to a stupid idea
Oh grandma
And he did
Great mashup I found
Especially if it's a N
Help on the way!
Why even be alive
Evolution of Robert Pattison
Oh god...
Anhedonia is a ßitch
Lord Immune System
Honest email copy from d-brands had me cracking up today!
Destiny arrives all the same
What keeps your cat awake at night.
put a tutu on it
Haunting 101
I love spiders <3
Thanos is done for
Well played, Uber driver, well played
Fine Art
Good point
Found this at work today.
Designer of the year.
My dad got this picture on his trail camera
Finally, the big one!
Extremely cheesy
Knowledge is power. France is bacon.
If you know chess, you would get it
Math error
Lo-Fi Girl. Then & Now
Photo of the year. Dystopian hell.
Nice Day
Life before the girl.
And i am wondering why the F!
Do you top, or bottom?
Damn That Bird's Lucky
This kinda cracked me up
What a timeline