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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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2021 is waiting
Recalculating thoughts....
The alternative is trusting someone who calls himself "The Map"
The local gas station brighten up my day with a good chuckle this morning
I knew I’d seen it somewhere
Well well well, a mug from University of North Texas
mate :(
Pants optional either way.
hopes & dreams = gone
Sad mood
He looks fine
Ball's blue
On It
Anxiety time
This movie had a car pope Was ther a car jesus? How do you hang a car on a cross?
Found at a local burgershack
Ah yes, very descriptive.
Kill that psychopath
You're not allowed to fail
Future crime shows
Had me for the briefest of moments
Remember to turn off.
Oh god...
*starts watching Samora’s tape*
No hoedowns, hootenannies, or jamborees
Looks like he is still pretty upset about the failure of his theme park....
Space snakes are invading us
Dr dre
This mad lad actually did it
"You ungrateful son of a b****." - Cat
Why does a grocery store have to call me out like this
My little brothers got mad at me and changed my wall paper
Do i need a new spirit animal?
My 14yo son drew this comic on his whiteboard. I think there's a message in there for me.
Rubbed you so well, you granted me three wishes, remember?
The Milky Way viewed from Mars
Member the pre-Covid days?
turning ottomans shishkebabs
Always cracks me up. Thanks Beaver County Pennsylvania!
good boi
They were evil all along.
Half way there.
There is 1 impostor among us
Absolute Chad.
Couldn’t un-see this:
My sons answers for online school work. OC
Someone's about to get fired...
Thank you Danny we really need it
Order up!
Was having a quick cry when my cat sat here and stared at me angrily until I stopped
Chicken Coup
The Pentagon did confirm that UFO's exist earlier this year
Virgin Bikers vs. Chad segways.
Tomatoes are a fruit...
It's only a joke, calm tf down
How d'ya like them apples?
Gold medals
Both funny and blursed
Say '7/10, would bang', instead.
Second Place
Had a haunted gingerbread house competition with my roommate. I’m on the left...
Rules are made to be broken.
Goal: Become so damn rich that your hairline comes back.
This ticket
Only worth it, if someone sees it.
Stats after death
The Jetsons...
There's something funny going on in Poland
Fall is coming.
Sus, but he right
The BBC news website has officially peaked
Is this a re?
In 1920, 8 year old Samuel Reshevsky played chess with several chess masters at once. He lost every single game.
Is it just me or are Dwayne Johnson's arms attached like a Mego action figure?
What a power
Now burn the other half...
double F
Why wasn't there an Option-
Just take some steps fool
You: 0; Methamatics: 1
What a lovely room to take a dump in
Dont shit there
Mouse Sculpture
My hotel delivered on my framed photo of Steve Buscemi request.