My friend is a middle school teacher and just sent me a picture of this ruler she found on her student’s desk...

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Please just dont
Big laugh
h a h a
"Are you sure you want to go back to the Old Version?"
Cant Believe This
Next it'll be a disabled transgender minority foxkin, then civilization will collapse
Early mornings
haha yes
Life, in a nutshell
Nothing to see here citizens, just hallucinations from a gas leak
Work Prioritisation 101
What about 6 and they pay me to get it?
Comedy Timing
What kind of deal do you think they made?
My 1yo son likes to peek into my home office doors from time to time just to smile at me. Doesn't say anything, just stands there and smiles until I acknowledge him.
Forbidden cats.
When someone tickled your neck
High School Reunion
Both of them
Don’t you just hate when this happens?
future is now old man
When assembling your dog kit, be sure to follow the instructions to avoid disasters like this…
This raccoon just chillin'. Because of all the shit that has been happening, this might be one of the more normal things i have come across in 2020.
speedy bull
It's Finally Over.
I guess that means no more weekly meetings in the bathroom stalls...
This generation has a good sense of humor
The Adventures of Asian Superman
trump ain't leaving
Imagine waking up from coma by hearing ' chicken fillet '
Social distancing rules on public transportation
Comedy cemetery?
Understandable have a great day
Buddy Gator - Photography
The perfect cosplay doesn't exi...
The Rock and Dwayne Johnson are twins
This workout machine seems pretty angry!
Jack isn’t so happy
Go on, sing it!
Blockbuster 2020
Anyone Notice How Justin Bieber Looks Like Simple Jack In His Latest Video Holy?
Say hi to Sean for us . RIP Alex Trebek
My son who loves the Mandalorian just turned 10, so I drew him this.
Stop here if you can
At least we still have our sense of humor
I troll my husband by turning the toilet paper roll in the direction he hates. This is the note he left me.
I asked for a "spicy" picture of my gf. got this instead
damn bREH if only the RONA didnt get to em first
A little morning wood
Sculpture in Germany
Fire in the hole
Conditioner Gordon
If you’re good at something, never do it for free.
I like to imagine this was Alex's first view in the afterlife.
Saw this on my neighbors yard.
RIP to these two legends.
Among us youtubers
damn brehs is been called JoJo did lose and i dont think even a recount will help us :( sad day berh
This card a customer paid with today.
Admit it, you now want a battle ship kayak!
this is a meme, don't actually dm
Rise up against our oppressors!!!
Anyone in?
Same :/
Found this at a zoo in india.
Human Instrumentality time
Policeman and his teammate doing their job
I got a chuckle
haha yes
I feel for Skulker
You go all the way?
A spider's life
*smiling in pain*
One and done.
Sailor Mercury
A friend of mine gave me a calendar with pictures of pooping pooches so I’m giving her a couple of gifts bags that I made from it.
:/ ok....
Time travel part II
Ever wondered why camouflage works so well?
simple as
I’m planning to be highly responsible today
Pie Art
It's always earth
I told her she couldn't have her squeeky toy while I was on the phone
My Type of Birthday Card
Someone bought us an ‘Underwater Dogs’ calendar. I’m not sure if it’s cute or terrifying...