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The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.
3-Year Club

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Too much packaging
wholesome froge
they can't play games amirit kebab
I spotted an elusive stegosaurus cat
I'm going to milk this meme for all it's worth
Took the wrong pill
Kulkin presidency 2024
damn I wish I could draw
Bear with me...
let's settle this once and for all
WARNING! Do NOT watch this video!
Must be sold by the Boogie Monster. Nice try Boogie Monster. Nice try.
iLaughed. Jk.
When Grandma finds out how much you love bacon....
damn the commies made a good meme brehs
The mechanic says everything is fine
Lit af
Art project with recycled materials
Alzheimer. Er kommt aus Azheim.
When no one believed you weren’t feeling good
funny tiktok
Craigslist ad
Now this is pod racing
50% Chance of Getting Relaxed Sleep
My wife demanded to know why I spent the extra money on a pet hair vacuum
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it don't exist.
Or quack your head.
Doctor Phil logic
A lil' predator.
You activated my trap card
Ranked #1 in the industry!
We all have favorites, right?
Please Tim, make it true with Johnny and Eva
haha yes
I never noticed none of my colleagues has nose ring. Its true.
They set them selves up for that one
Advice more true than ever.
My daughter turns 1 next week. She learned to play hide and seek today
It's - a me
Fran Lebowitz looks like Andy Samberg playing the role of an old woman.
Like I had any chance haha *laughs and cries*
gOOOOd wisdom
with a funny hat
I think it would do something else
no, you're the entire pond
Embrace your weakness
Stay strong kings
p e n c
Like the that famous person said, "It's that easy".
Seems accurate for Disney
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Middle Europe
Meanwhile in Madrid, someone sculpted the Venus de Milo out of snow
it makes it better
Russia started covid vaccinations
The great gig in the sky
He gets it
He unfortunately has a point
F is for Fingering my favorite homie
Too old for stickers?
Lol stupid turtle
A question for the ages!
Well im sold
Day 0 - Training begins... eat egg salad sandwich in front of them to display dominance, installing yourself as the Alpha.
This guy put his divorce on his resume
Should I stop charging it now?
Hit Music
Non of you can appreciate this meme.
If birds had social media
True af
Double photografers
keep him dead
Just throw it on the pile
No they are not
Yes... yes it is.
s n i f f
OOOOF got her
Hand up who's coming?
Wasn't this rule already in place pre-covid?
I don’t think that’s an organ but gOOOOOOd choice
So much chill
Looking at you, Bezos
It was my dads birthday today but we didn't have the right numbers so we got creative
Order some mentos if you want to play