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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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There’s a huge broccoli outside!!!
Hakuna Miata, what a wonderful phrase
My husband was eating tuna over in the kitchen
How NOT to load an RPG
Shrek 2 but only E
Our facility manager solved all of our confusion with the bathroom lock.
You can really taste the gorilla
Meet the parents
The best DoorDash delivery photo I have ever received.
Szerintem valahol ők is ugyanolyan emberek...
Aapes together STRONG!
do the Socrates
big sade
Made up nonsense.
Be honest.. You would do the same thing..
wednesday nights
It does not
Good to be alive
Games before hoes
No pp for the pedo
Marriage Advice
History lesson
Y’all paint your eyebrows so don’t tell me anything.
My Jewish neighbors changed the name of their WiFi network.
Hell yeah.
its even better than that Hofer song
My 92-year-old father-in-law took his first selfie on his iPad and emailed it to us five times.
: |
and still doing it wrong...
Still nut
Looking back, 2013 was a great year for ESPN
well i remember
Favorite Super Bowl decoration: Princess Leia holding two lightsabers
brehs do yall know if it is physically possible to shoot a shovel this way
You were the chosen one
Aren't they the same?
One can imagine lovers of amazon milkies only happy
I need it yesterday!
Gotdang that’s some good Mac, geezus
Feel old yet
... but it's honest
Cow-doctors hate him!
select germany
What A Great Meating
Found in my gallery
The first Amazon employee to take a break from work
Ah yes, parenting
good point
Fus Roh Dipper!
The one day my son didn't wear his blue Eddie Bauer puffy jacket from Costco to the playground
Life was going pretty well until I saw this
peace in our time
Life’s too short for boring pants
English lesson for the day...
Stocks go brrrrrrr
Friend cross-stitched me lyrics from a famous movie balad!
I call her Crystal
Oh, so that's what it means...
I'd like to order a happy meal please
Found an Escapee
I love the smell of united West in the morning
Chadwick promised he could handle our rainy season
Live your truth.
One of my hometown churches is being cheeky again
smol bobs < big bobs
Well, yeah
sad face
zoom cat
Poaching is fine in my book.
What a mf
2021 experience so far
No horny boys!
Florida-Man is real you guys
Im not sure if legit. Hes dumb but not THAT dumb
Yeah, you might call yourself a runner, but have you done the Portsmouth Unicorn?
*Frog Bread*
Domino's with your motivation for the week
Without any past or future, less than dead, they never were
Has anyone seen pokematic lately?
just brainwash your workers that union is bad for them lel
How is yours?