A dog. A car. Short friends. A big house. An exotic place. A six pack. Not ugly. = TINDER 100

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uno reverse card
The mars landing on earth
The future is now.
How to send someone back to 1993
First term goes brrrrrrrrrrrr
Women don't exist.
Easy peasy. I think I can be a pilot now.
I Put Googly Eyes On My Wifes Cookie Jar and It Turned Into Peter Griffin
Sensitive matter
Some of you guys need some god, damn shrimp in your lives.
how to get past first base on a first date
among us
Chad was ejected
Doesn't matter to me
Roses are red, violets are not
I love Minnesota humor
"I don't see race!! I don't care whether you're
I like to walk on opposite footsteps, to make it look like someone has been jumping.
A sign my mom put up in her extra bathroom
Wow Son, That's Wonderful
Over his head
"That's a tasty-looking ankle you've got over there." - cat
sad times
The back of an ACTUAL Pepperidge Farms truck.
My friend sent this to her Professor today
Fiance and I just got the vaccine, haven't noticed any side effects yet
Why would they apologise for something awsome
I'm gonna hang here in the corner. Juuust out of sight.
not sure
Yeah ok, nice try Covid, nice try...
wise old man
Make 7 up yours
I merged 2 adverts to create one important message...
Damn poles
Movin' on up!
Life after we all get the covid vaccine
Verification systems are adapting to the current times
The ultimate sacrifice
Found my dad's birthday card. It wasn't hard.
Celebrity apology
Pretty accurate actually.
how milk is made
Good thing that Noah wasn't an architect
Hope Eminem's alright...
Finally, someone appreciates me.
A Wasted Life
"it's so tiresome"
OG Bad Boy
New York’s neighborhood fishmonger
Am I the only one who thinks Meghan Markle's dress looks like a bird pooped on her?
Hey guys, I found Jeff
You start tomorrow
I think they're all handsome.
I dont know if this was posted before
❄️Snowbattle Royale❄️
Found in Munich, Germany
can't wait to learn that trick too
Relax, I'm a Doctor.
Ovuvuevuevue Enyetuenwuevue Ugbemugbem Osas
we know how this is gonna end
2 weeks to flatten the curve
Maximum privacy
Pain. Suffering even.
The corona rule signs at our school are the best
At 2 am
Perfect Human Being
Women be shoppin' there.
My neighbour is showing off again :(
make your fathers proud, don't donate to titty streamers
So friendly
Looking through old photos, I love that my mom took the time to capture the moment
Always insane Liam
Open box before eating pizza
You can't ignore the signs
And mom said I never took recorder seriously.
Evil stepsister
Pebis value go brrrrrrrrrr
Tbh, that's scary af
This mans needs are not met
Touché Google, touché
Can we just take a moment to admire this art?
Clever road sign
Nothing worse than being Tuna shamed.
I’m convinced Kevin hart is one of many clones
This month's schedule
Total Immunity