Someone had free time in my grocery store this morning. I couldn’t stop snickering while shopping.

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I told you mom I'm gay get over it
Helpful former homeowner.
That was unexpected
....good point
I loved these as a kid
My whole pride
So thicc it’ll make you cry
Works every time
F in the chat bois
All for rubber
I told them I wanted plain rice
And so the courier cheated the IRS once again and the Brehave wasteland was forever changed.
Checkmate, Donald!
This was helpful
You attempted to hurt me but all you've done is given me hope
Make room in the Horny Jail.
The Only Employee
Just the once
Duddero after HL elected Slov
Universal guide to men's nodding. Made in Paint.
Someone pass the Kleenex please...
Can you tell me just one thing? Why is "scar" wrong?
thomas the tank engine mod
They always gotta tell ya.
The duality of mod
If you play the audio backwards, it still sounds like meaningless noise
So f*cking deep
You’re not so different you and I
me preparing myself for another day as a mod
I wished for the perfect man.
What? You don't trust me ? Check my Bullshit posts License !
I thought drugs are just a joke
That’s some serious grave digging
She mad
This sign still is here
man do i love that game
Every waterfall should have treasure behind it, not just some of them
Night Owls
We shall have a banquet!!
That night...I murdered trillions
Burns so good
Just a woman posing with a tornado in Nebraska, 1989
Family! Just a beautiful placing of stones artistically
For education :)
The original one.
Psppspsps *scratch*
Welcome young fella
Time to cum
Selling things online
French language is mesmerizing
And that's a dact
Poor cashier
The best silencers
Well, at least the cursed undead don't need to eat.
Checkmate English.
am i wrong thou
They cannot be defeated
Coz *** them kids that's why
It took me quite some time, but know i'm ready for a rematch
Why is a post title ?
Plant VS Zombies; IRL!
A true champion
Sad but true....
The Iron Delinquents, Rulers of the Streets
And gonna starve now
Quick while the France asleep
Maybe I'm a pokimon trainer !!
I'm Killing It
It's 10 inches long
Reason for overpopulation
Lemon Demon, consumer of warriors and master of disturbing funk. Can resize any part of his body at will.
Bright side of the Mººn
Evolution of the cat-monitor relationship in one pic
never seen anything more accurate
She a trap
Yo momma so fat that...
gonna poast this here
Full send it
30 more minutes
Me today on my “very special” 21st birthday
The username was cringe aswell
200 IQ joke
It was hard at times
nuns dont work on Sunday
It’s as simple as that for them
Pretty sure i'm gonna get banned
Do good unto others
A classic
Unfortunate son
this isnt what i wanted for my puberty chief
Wait, its impossible
Good ol' America!
I can see you
Put babies in prison for tax evasion, got it
Monke give speech
Just continuing the thread