quite ingenious
quite ingenious


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tuff_kukki · 1 points · 3 years ago * · parent
rofl. i'm not saying my english is great. like i already said, i'm not a native speaker. to me, english is a foreign language. but you are just talking out of your ass.

although it's not limited to this, it gets most clear in the follwing two examples:

"First of all, I picked your initial reply because it's where we started our conversation"
> well, if you mean "first reply", then don't use the expression "initial comment". the two are entirely different things. it's funny that you complain about my english when you yourself are so obviously unable to express your thoughts. also, our conversation did NOT start with my reply to your reply to my initial comment. that's like saying a book starts with chapter 3. you can count to three, can't you?

"As for run-on sentences, your inability to use caps and commas creates (inadvertently, I suppose) run-on sentences out of those choppy little segments"
> not at all. like i already explained: these "choppy little segments" are the complete opposite of run-on sentences. two half sentences do NOT make a run-on sentence. let's take a look at the example you chose:
"It is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men. Because they don't want to look like men. They want to look like women. Because they want to be beautiful."
that's two times two half sentences.
making two sentences out of one is NOT the same as making one sentence out of two. this would be a run-on sentence:
"It is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men because they don't want to look like men they want to look like women because they want to be beautiful."
look it up if you don't believe me.

the fact that you didn't know that doesn't mean you're stupid, it only means you're uneducated. what makes you stupid is the fact that you'd still neglect that even after i patiently explained it to you.

"I won't be replying anymore"
> that's wise. at least this way you won't disgrace yourself even more than you already did.

Szaint · 1 points · 3 years ago
Just one indulgence, then, because I'm honestly curious. You evaded even my most direct, bluntly formulated question. I asked if you thought this:

"It is insulting to most women to tell them they look like men. Because they don't want to look like men. They want to look like women. Because they want to be beautiful."

was a well-written piece of text. So no bullshit--do you? You strut and posture and insinuate you're smart and educated, yet you're either incapable or afraid to answer. So give me your honest assessment of those few lines. One to ten.

Also, I'm not a native speaker either. I know this might surprise you because we operate on such different levels of intellect and education (honestly, I'd be surprised if you even have a Bachelor's degree), but I'm sure with practice you could at least pass the marker 'barely literate' in English.

tuff_kukki · 1 points · 3 years ago *
"we operate on such different levels of intellect and education"
for once we can agree on sth. i can tell the difference between a run-on sentence and a half sentence, you can't (not even after it's been explained to you, which really constitutes a whole new level of idiocy). i know a conversation starts at its beginning, you think a conversation starts with the reply to a reply to the actual start of the conversation. i know if someone says he's been purposefully using half sentences, it implies he's not been using full sentences, while you are unable to come to that conclusion. i've been answering your question before, you are just too stupid to have noticed. and now i've answered it again. did you get it this time? i'd be surprised.

you're a prime example of the dunning-kruger-effect. it was fun to see you humiliate yourself for a while, but now it's getting boring. go find someone else to dominate you

Szaint · 1 points · 3 years ago *
Another free tip, by the way. Here's a quote from your last reply:

"i've been answering your question before, you are just too stupid to have noticed. and now i've answered it again. did you get it this time? i'd be surprised."

Your strange inability to use correct capitalization aside, this whole text is objectively bad. For one, the comma you use here wrongly conjoins two separate sentences. There should be a full stop instead. After this you clumsily pick up the tangent with an "and" which is not only jarring but also demonstrates you can't maintain a fluid train of thought. There is no reason to use "and" because you're reinforcing the previous statement with a fresh sentence. You can refer to this paragraph as an example on how to do it correctly.

Just some advice :-)

Szaint · 1 points · 3 years ago *
I see you've once again failed to deliver an answer to a very clear question. I guess you're embarassed. I'll try again: do you honestly believe that piece of text I quoted was good? How would you rate it? I'm genuinely curious.

Are you able to process and answer this simple question?

Also, a small tip: you are overly reliant on repetition and your structuring is erratic.

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