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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
Poster of the Month

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Hen grenade
Britain right now...
One day he’ll understand
What legends
She had nice mummy milkers
It’s usually how they end up breaking
Full Attention
Try to look normal
What a season this was for anime
I'm vaccinated
The Declaration of Independence arrives in England
Naruto but Jujutsu Kaisen
The Crusades
Doesn't matter, had sex
Rem besto girlo
Doesn't matter, had sex
Compliments to the Chef
Subaru doesn't get it
Coffee shop on Johannesburg.
Alarm clocks
Oh how the turn-tables
Вот дерьмо
Social media creates an unrealistic body image
*** agent Orange
Buddy Gator - Hot Air Balloon
Look at this confident ass mushroom
Part 6 confirmed brehs
Powerful woman
It's a girl? A female girl!!!?????? AaaAAaaaAAhhHHh, I'M COOOOMINGGGGGGG!!!!
brainyrs pays a visit to Japan
people's mind when I start dez-posting
It's two months from now, I am downvoting Deznals post.
Zer0 Effort
You go Queen
that was my first thought after that scene so i made this
Got my new sticker today
Failure Post-mortems
Time to have my account deleted for showing the Nazi flag
The chant is ringing in my ears now.
When your mum says you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it
I don’t know why I made this
That's the type of girls I like . The Shrek type
Your results came in
Sure thing Bob.
its happening
Best president ever
Thee shalt payeth f'r thy sins.
Man found dead: Cause of death, stuffed crust arteries
Take me on (take on me)
Yeh ***! Pirates!
It do be like that :(
Anime: Toaru Majutsu no Index
Those poor souls
Sorry it's not a 2012 meme
The Five Elements - The Formula To Anime
umm well
I'm not mad, just ***ing pissed
The list never ends
Then the dizziness magic happens
How things change
For the individuals with refined tastes.
Got nailed
get capped
The Customer Isn't
HL racy bad boi server
Forbidden knowledge
with a big fat smile
Trust Issues.
"She reminded me of Abby"
New format everyone
When will the horny end
Mistakes were made. Or were they?
What ya gonna do now?
Night is superior in all ways.
It still is!
Time to work in a factory for cents
Disclaimer on Cotton Candy
Accidently saw it.
Declaration of the War on Drugs
2/3 of the world’s eggplants are produced in New Jersey
Everytime i cook something new...
Taylor Swift meets Tool
At least he started the taiping rebellion
They're supposed to be catching thieves
When your healthy friends start lecturing you
Not bad, DC comics. Not bad...